Saturday, September 18, 2004

another week gone by, and another crapload of stuff to do. so i'm back at school after a weekend at home. i dunno. it was good. then it went bad, so idecided to come back a day early. i got up here in lik 30 minutes, which was say school is about..50 miles away. you do that math. =) and we cross bridges and merge and etc etc..haha so it was a very successful commute indeed.
as i arrives, so did my friend stephen and his sister. they came and looked at the room, which was quite messy in my standards, but overall the visit went okay. =) so yeah. then i got all my stuff un[acked, and set PJ up on my desk. he's fun and very relaxing to look at. i think he's midly frightened at his new surroundings. but, he'll get used to looking at wood. =) maybe i'll put him on the bathroom counter, but im scared that soap or like toothpaste will get in there, so on my desk he is. as he just stayes there. all day. staring at me with those big buggy blue eyes. i think theyre blue, i'll call them blue. but yeah. PJ is my new buddy at school. =)..oOoOo a boy in my room. hahaha. sometimes i think PJ is lonely, like so many people i know, myself included, so i think we'll make a good pair. too bad i know hes so bored. hahah school is broing with it. but yeah. i still need to take a shower and eat. i forgot to get chinese food on the way over, im mad, cause i was hella looking forward to ky-lin's fried rice..mmmm..GOOD.. but i have chips and other non-healthy crap in my room. it'll be fun fun fun to eat junk food galore.
speaking of junk food. i lost weight. and now the dress..which was like 100 dollars to alter..does not fit anymore. so im screwed. and it looks weird on me. the ENTIRE DRESS. so i'm looking to get it done again. hopefully CORRECTLY this time. stupid bull..ARGH. *breathe* okay..well..i'm gonna take a shower now. OH I HAVE A NEW CELL PHONE!!!!!!! so listen to my old voicemail to get the number. my mother has my old phone dont try calling it and expecting me to answer..that was soo good english!! =)

Friday, September 17, 2004

i think i've done very well since last 'season'. but, as they say, all good things must come to an end. and hopefully this weekend i can head this season off and make sure nothing happens. i can feel it coming. i hadbeen for awhile. but today i really began to feel it. well, i tried to at least; i tried to make it go away, but apparently it wants to kick me in the ass as i am already down. mandy knows what i'm talking about. but yeah. this weekend is gonna be all about me. take my sweet ass time to think and curl up in a ball and sleep and cry and think and be at one with myself. =) as weird as that sounds, i need a weekend alone. i havent been alone in weeks. and its getting to me.
this time it was tricky and i really couldnt detect it. until...TA-DA!! i talked to greg and was in a CRAP ASS mood. hahaha. i was dying and i let 'it' slip a little and it almost did. i sweari was gonna die! *wheewh* but i caught it. and i made sure nothing would set it off this weekend. ALONE AT LAST SUCKAS!! but really... this weekend. please let me be alone. i'm very preoccupied and stressed and HATEFUL right now, so yenno, dont mess with me because you will be verbally beaten and accosted by my inner bitch..who can be and also is my outer bitch. honestly, i'm warning you.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

hello. nice day today. hhmm. its strange, as ive become increasingly bored, my blog has become increasingly full with entires from myself. =). haha. but yeah. im inbetween classes now. dont have another class until like 3:00pm. but thats a 2 hour lecutre. blah de blah. then im going to the parking lottery. hhmm. busy busy busy. then i have to STUDY for patho. shoot. oh well. i wonder. maybe i can..cause i want someone who lives in edgehill to do it. but whatever. i guess i'll just go. but that means i wont beat traffic!! DAMNIT. whatever. it doesnt matter.
so im officially going to the damn parking lottery..oh craptabulous..blah. i'm gonna pack.'s gonna be the rest of my day:
3:00-5:00 health promotion and maintenance
5:00-6:45 study for patho in the library
6:50-?:?? parking lottery
?:??-?:?? go home!!!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

woot. okay..hhmm.. i talked to mo and nicole about my non-existent love life. hahah. i mean greg. it was good. *sigh* relationships, what a HOOT. hahaha. uumm. *sigh* sometimes the simplicity of life likes to kick you in the ass and slam in the face with complex problems galore. hahah
i am drained from today. i had tests galore too. blah. nursing is hard, nursing in 4 years is hard. what am i doing to myself? heheh.
well, in the words of mo: "i don't lie, i'm catholic."
i know people read this, and im glad people like keeping up with my life, but lets do interesting things to me and with me so i can write about them. i know i used to loe it when krys would rite about the CLUB in her blog. its so fun. i love it. but yeah. boy. gotta miss the good old day of color guard and dance. not even that many people here know what color guard is. it makes me sad. cause its hella kick ass. and my city, UNION CITY of course, has the number one winterguard in the nation..hella years running. many a family member has been part of them too. i on the other hand went to MCHS and did my little guard thing there.
wow. its so much more fun when you can clap your hands and people drop spin to your beat. hahah. but yeah. i wanna go back and teach guard. again. and again. like i have been since i was in high school.
but yeah. oh hey tracy. i dont comment on people's live journals and stuff. it just lets the world know what a retard i am for reading people's live journals and that i take the time to comment on theirs. like i have nothing better to do, but nice try. =) and i dont think i talk that much shit. i write about it a lot, and it may seem like i do, but maybe i have nothing better to talk about sometimes. yenno. there really isnt much to do but talk smack and study. =)
so there are crazy people yelling outside and yeah. stupid drunk people! other than that my day is closing for good soon, after i talk to the love of my life gregory, then will my night be complete.
hhmm..what has happened since i last blogged:
-took a nice nap in the HEAT
-got called out for TRYING to lie about something this guy said, but whatever hahaha i tried, but alas, drama follows wherever i lie..hahah
-ate HELLA pizza OMG!!
-drank HELLA soda, i wish i hadnt given my drink away..haha cause now im thirsty
-VENTED like crazy to jeremy and mo about some bullshit that will be going down soon, well not bullshit, but like..problems and drama that i know i cant handle this year
-had good good conversation/bonding moments with mo again, you can never have too many of those
-got back and went to my room like a child and started blogging for all you people..all 3 of you..haha
-turned down a tempting offer to get more food with tracy, but am too full and have too much stuff to do to take a break
-and thats about it
=) nothing else new. call me if you want to play! X2810
today was fun. i went to class at about 8:00am and took a test. and i finished with the test early so i went to breakfast with katie and regina. then we went back and went over the test. i got an 86. not bad...but whatever. then we learned about the musculoskeletal system and did an exaqm on eachother. regina and i were partners and we did the exams on eachother. it was great great fun. the teacher told us we had to touch eachother, but we skipped those parts. then we duck walked. hahaha. then we got back and talked lots of shit..hahaha. it was great. me and regina. we told katie and other people. and we tried to take naps. bu i called the love of my life gregory and talked with him for awhile. then he left to go eat with his dad.
next class, nursing tech, which we heard we were going to bathe eachother in. it was great. then what else. hhmm.. i took a basic mat exam, and have never felt stupider. HAHAHAHAH. OH NO. youre only allowed 2 wrong out of 25, but me being a stupid ass..i got 3 wrong..HAHAHAHA. so gotta take that again. then we took a quiz..which i know i failed..damn..these quizzes are KILLING me. im like getting a D in pathophysiology. haha. then we got other quizzes back and i got a 100 on one of them. so that was cool. then we bathed eachother. hahah. yes..we bathed eachother. our legs at least. it was fun!! and they told us to practice. so you know what im gonna be doing soon. haha hey..want me to bathe you? YEAH BABY. but yes. then we all bathed and then we went back to the room and changed. regina kept telling me she was going to kick me. it was fun fun fun. then we told ashley about you BITCHIN day. hahah
speaking of bitching. when we got to nursing tech our class was outside with everyone, including the teacher and we talked shit. hahaha. it was hilarious. we told EVERYONE, even the teacher. haha she was hella laughing cause something we said about hypochondriacs. anyways. oh! today was the ic cream social and we got to get out of class to go eat ice cream. it was amazing. hahaha. then yeah.
so now we're waiting for about 5PM so we can go to the brown house to eat pizza, but it doesnt start until 6:30. woot. but we're setting up or something. okay well. ttyl!

-oh by the way. the girls in my room are SO worth knowing, and if you even cared about anyone but yourself, you would know that. but whatever. your friend seems to think we're worth knowing, considering she lives with us. well. i dont think youre worth knowing, cause ive heard stuff about you and..well..i'm quite disturbed and vexated. but whatever. hakuna matata. =)

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

OneHuGeDoRk: dude
OneHuGeDoRk: sunday is 6 months
OneHuGeDoRk: thats crazy
OneHuGeDoRk: lol
OneHuGeDoRk: u nerd
Yea its teeny: hahahah..i have 1 year next month
OneHuGeDoRk: hey ill catch up to u
OneHuGeDoRk: lol but then again youll be at 1.5*
OneHuGeDoRk: lol
OneHuGeDoRk: shuttup!
OneHuGeDoRk: haha
Yea its teeny: hahahahahah
Yea its teeny: duh krsytle
Yea its teeny: im gonna keep that
OneHuGeDoRk: hahah

*this is where the light bulb turns on in krystles head...

anyways. hhmm. what has happened in the last hour. well, my web cam works..YESS..SCORE!! and yeah i talked to gregory. he's gonna go online soon. cause for his birthday, which was last wednesday. oh yeah..last wednesday i went to go surprise him for his birthday. it was great. he was hekka surprised. then we went to eat at TGIFriday's. which was a hoot and a half. we went with roma, jessica (his sister), ian (his other boyfriend/ best friend), and daniel <--he's a hoot!! but yeah we all were eating and stuff and it was fun. i love visiting him and his friends. theyre fun. but yeah. so my gregory is 20!! oh no!! hahaha. but dont worry. only like..3 months until my birthday. and for his birthday i got him a webcam. cause for my birthday im going to the philippines, and this way we can see eachother on my birthday. it'll be great!!! he loved my gift to him. i also made him a card. aaww. arent i the sweetest thing? haha whatEVA. anyways. yup. i'll post pictures later. but yes. i am the best gift getter there EVER was..bow down to me and worship me like the good gift getter i am..
so lots of things have happened recently. i decided i miss high school..and my friends from like dance and stuff. but i dunno. i guess i hella dont fit in with them. its sad cause, whatever. but i guess i dunno. i dont know whether to be hurt or happy or whatever. but im not as good of a friend to them as i thought. which makes me really sad, cause at time i was so happy and fun with them that it made sense, life made sense. and dancing 4782390 hours a day made sense as life. but yeah. things change i guess. and with all the shit that been going down between everyone over high school and through now, maybe its better that they hate me or dont even wanna think about me ever.
but i dunno. ive been thinking. how much different would my life be if i had gone to SF state and done dance, or riverside, or who knows where to do dance? would i feel the way i do about life now? i dunno. questions to ponder. well first of all i wouldnt have met greg, and that in itself makes me wonder how great it would be, but id like to think that if we are or were meant to be we would have met regardless of what school or major i took on. but yea. i miss dance a whole lot, and im jealous of aamnda and clairfe and elizabeth and kristin cause they get to dance. but obviously i wasnt good enough. ahahaha. whatever. i think i was okay, actually i think i was good, considering the whole..i've only danced for 2 years. hahaha. but a lot happens in 2 years. like its been 2 years since ive taken a formal dance class. and boy does it suck. i guess ive changed in 2 years. but they all seem to have stayed the same, with eachother. i dunno if i want that. but ovbiously they didnt want me.
why the fuck am i kicking myself down for not being able tohave been good enough to be their friend? i cant believe it. with all the crap that happened? all the shit they STILL talk? rumors and rumors. whatever.
im very...fickle about this topic. cause im so happy where i am. i really am. and i know im in a better place now, cause no drama from stupid shit..oh wait..there is..
but this goes out to amanda claire and elizabeth. it was fun guys. ive drifted away as you guys have drifted/ran/hid from me. i dont blame you. but we're all different people, and id like to think that ifi ever saw you guys at the mall we'd be nice and say hi. but maybe im not even good enough for that. oh well. have fun you dance majors you. good luck to you guys i really mean it. cause you guys were good. but as an end note, id just like to say. if i had really had you guyses parents, i would be a dance major too. and if i had your families and had been brought up like you had, i would be a dance major too, because i could have, and i was good enough too. i deserve at least that much. but..COULDA WOULDA SHOULDA.

on to more pertinent things than my wounded pride and bruised ego for not being cool enough to be your friends still:
so yeah. drama still. its great. everyone get over yourselves. you really arent that important to all that many people. =)*sigh* oh how the mighty have fallen. HAHAHA. BIATCH...

Monday, September 13, 2004

You're just too good to be true;
Can't take my eyes off of you.
You'd be like heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived,
I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true;
Can't take my eyes off of you.
Pardon the way that I stare:
There's nothing else to compare.
The sight of you leaves me weak;
There are no words left to speak.
But if you feel like I feel,
Please let me know that it's real,
You're just too good to be true;
Can't take my eyes off of you.
I love you, baby!
And if it's quite alright,
I need you, baby,
To warm a lonely night.
I love you, baby;
Trust in me when I say.
Oh, pretty baby,
Don't bring me down, I pray.
Oh, pretty baby,
Now that I found you, stay.
And let me love you, baby,
Let me love you.
You're just too good to be true;
Can't take my eyes off of you.
You'd be like Heaven to touch;
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived,
I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true;
Can't take my eyes off of you.
I love you, baby!
And if it's quite alright,
I need you, baby,
To warm a lonely night.
I love you, baby;
Trust in me when I say.
Oh, pretty baby,
Don't bring me down, I pray.
Oh, pretty baby,
Now that I found you, stay.
Oh, pretty baby,
Trust in me when I say.
I need you, baby!
Well won't you come stay
Oh. pretty baby.
Now that I found you, stay.
And let me love you, baby.
Let me love you.