Saturday, September 04, 2004

wow. ive been having too much fun today first me and tracy went to home!! then we played with bird..and then we went to watch 13 going on 30..a movie which i hella want!!!! but yeah anyways. then the next morning..well..this morning. we woke up..well tracy woke me up and we ate breakfast and watched TV and fed DJ. poor baby can only rock on with his tailfeathers. but yeah. so then we get ready and go to the mall and i exchange my sweatshirt and go buy 50 dollar pants at american eagle!! so expensive!! but theyre worth it. then we went to tap and all around and i got my pictures from the cotillion developed!! and i look RETARDED!! that okay though. but yeah so i forgot my retainer at home so tomorrow we're gonna go and get it. tracys driving. thank god. cause my butt is too numb. and yeah. we watched Law & Order. i think i got tracy hooked!! hahah. then oh wait before all that..but after shopping we got our eyebrows done. OMG mine are so thin. jeez laweez!! shoot. its okay cause ive gotten used to them. =) yay! then my and tracy got hungry and went to mcdonalds. haha fat fat fat!!!!! but yeah and we watched TV while eating. woot woot. okay gonna go fix my picture album..ttyl!

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

okay so interesting thing happened like 20 min ago. some ranomd girl from high school, whom i'd like to point out, i never hung out with, nor agev my screen name to, imed me. nonsense. i was like huh? giving her the benefit of the doubt that she had somrthing interesting to say to me, but of course there wasnt. so i was like huh? and nothing happnened. then i was like why? to myself. and i said whatever. bye.
now you know who you are. why you gotta do that? why am i even still on your buddy list? why do you even care about me? get over it. i am. i love college. and im happy with you all out of my immediate memories. and i'd like to keep it that way. so in the future. dont even bother talking to me, cause i really have nothing to say to you except i hope you guys have a great future together. i know you'll be happy. and i sincerely mean it. just..i dont want to be in contact with you cause you really serve no purpose to me. ciao!
so i took a nap earlier. for 2 hours. then because i was asleep i didnt go to dinner. then i woke up all groggy with a sleeping headache and sore throat and coughing and nausea and a fever i swear. but yeah. haha when am i not complaining. but dont get me wrong i love school. thats awesome. i just thought about it. and i'm starting to really take care of patients in 1 month. i am actually on my way to becoming a nurse. it really just hit me as i was talking to my suitemate regina. yup yup. i'm a soph nursing major. i have 35.5 units from last year. and i have 14 units this sem, and im taking 17 next semester. and next semseter i'm hoping to work as the UCSF medical center as a nurse's assistant. that would be good.
i know other people opted for the long way to nursing and thats all good. but im glad i wanted this way. basically pay my way into clinicals. but its a sacrifice that i'm willing to take right now. all the debts will be paid off within 2 years! 4 years in my nursing program vs 6 in other programs. im not saying im better..hell no. i know other state schools are so much better or whatever, but, its amazing. im only 18 and i already get this experience. its great.
and i like the environment, even though its small. so who cares? i dont. so what if youre lecture classes have 473289 students. are you really getting real world experience like that? is that making you a better person? is it making you better equipped for the real world? i dunno. having all my classes planned out for me to choose times from is really good. i'm getting structured classes that i really need, not bullshit ones like ethics or intro to politics or govt. cause i dont need those. i'm getting trainning. so in your face hoh. =)
but yeah. you should all see my kick ass dorm room. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and a living room. no kitchen though. but thats okay cause we all buy food or eat in the dining hall. its great. and the teachers are really nice. i'm happy where i am. only 2.75 years to go =)
hhmm what else. i took a shower and it felt good cause i felt nice and clean. the weather is so nice here. sunny and hot and cold at night. its great. i have micro lab tomorrow at 10:45AM-1:15PM its my only late morning class. all my others start at 8:00AM or earlier. gotta love it.

okay so apparently we have to do breast exams in health assessment. but wait, you havent heard the best part. on eachother. and me and regina and katie were like oh no, you guys and denise are not doing breast exams on me. im so self concious about my chest though. like literally. like the only other person besides me that has seen my chest are my doctors. hahah. but yeah. if you've been looking at my profile for my AIM you would see my interesting quotes. i just keep having breast exams done. its amazing. haha. but obviously im okay, but they wanna make sure..haha..and feel up on me..oh no. but anyways. im still sick..waking up with crazy sore throats and no voice. but yeah.nothing new right? haha im always sick.
well last night me and ashley had a great like 3 hour conversation. we talked about everything ever. and it was nice and i love her to death. shes so great and talk to me like im a grown up. hahaha. but yeah i tell her practically everything that i wouldnt tell anyone. cause i know she wouldnt tell cause we each have our share of different friends and happen to not really bump into eachother besides that. thats how good oommates go, theyre really good friends, but not around eachother 473289 hours a day. if thats possible. but yeah so i was super tired today in class, but thats okay.
what else. i love greg. haha. i dunno if youre reading this retard. haha. funny! but if youre my sisters or my family get over it. haha and dont tell my parents. haha. they'll kill me for sure.
so what else. failed 3 quizzes in the past 2 daysl. at least we;re being consistent as katie says. haha. but yeah..oh no..thats gonna start to suck soon. but yeah! its still super hot here.
im slowly getting used to lectures..feeling out how teachers are. OMG my teacher Tina Lemos hella reminds me of Ms. Gee!! its crazy. they talk the same and looks the same, except shes white. and they walk the same and have the same build. and if you know who Ms. Gee is, you'll know how terrified and humored i am. its funny. haha she acts almost exactly like her. i really wouldnt know seeing as i havent been to class cause i went to the doctor's office. dang.
so the doctor. yeah. ouch. pain. new meds. not bad. makes me SUPER hungry though, im supposed to gain weight from it..DAMNIT. oh well. greg said he wouldnt like me if i got fat. aha..i'll show him. hahaha. but yeah.
oh yesterday i had a great talk with nicole about everything. me and her. we're so cool. and alyze too. we're amazingly funny and interesting and alike. so yeah i just woke up from a nap and now i gotta go and buy medicine for my throat and stuff..

Monday, August 30, 2004

*sigh* got my new monitor. its pretty. had a fun time at chelle-chelle's birthday party. it was SO hot there!!! here are the highlights from last saturday:

-got to see jourdan, chano, rino, gene, cody, and cody's "boyfriend" before i went back to school.
-played with the babies. dang quel is HELLA big.
-my and jaena lost the balloon toss..stupid jaena
-jaena hugged me and got my butt wet..retard
-stupid boys hit me with water balloons.. on my back..brats
-everyone kept picking on me!!
-i think i sweated out 438279 lbs of sweat
-all the fun candy in the pinata
-took their shoes, and hid them in the jumping thing
-went in the water in the little was cold
-ate lots of good food from ky-lin
-got a new computer
-it was hot hot hot
-saw greg
-talked to fun fun people other news..sorry andrew..i completely forgot to call you. i went back to school early.haha like you know my whole blog thing anyways. but yeah. then yesterday i hung out with greg and tracy and went out to eat at chilli's. it was dope fun. but yeah. then i felt tstupid for lying to someone. well..2 people.. that came and bit me in the ass. crap. then i have lotsa homework. didnt get my work study. crap me. then. i dunno. i have to appeal. =) whatever. call me! i have a new dorm number. my extention is x2810. no creepy calls now!