Friday, March 24, 2006

that time again

so its that time of year again. the rut in the semester when you're like im not gonna pass that next test so why try. why try you ask? $48,000 that why i have to try. im so tired of being on edge yenno?
i had fun at clinical. my little girl has CF and so does her sister who's katie's little girl. they're cute, but they only speak spanish so its kinda hard but its fun..haha. then after being needed and wanted i come home to nothing. no boyfriend no friends haha katie and i are in a rut. its like i really am so tired because im bored and dont want to do this anymore. yenno? its that long stretch between school ending and not being over, its so tiring. im so over it. ive decided..along with katie...that life is so not worth i at this point because the only thing that we're good at and are needed in..we're not gettin graded for. so it's pretty ridiculous..

Standing still but still moving
Lying down but not resting
Breathing air, suffocating
All the while, I'm debating
Life was never what I thought
Never what I wanted it to be
Life was never what I thought
Never what I wanted it to be
Had a plan, couldn't follow
Had a dream, it was hollow
Everywhere felt like nowhere
Everything was so boring
Life was never what I wanted
Never what I thought

p.s. im on my period and on a rampage of depressiveness...

Sometimes I think I over analyse
As if I cant control the time and place
Life isn't something you try on for size
You can't love without the give and take
Who's to say the darkened clouds must lead to rain
Who's to say the problems should just go away
Who's to point a finger at what's not understood

oh my goodness im so depressing... im so tired of school. i need a vacation. i was to go somewhere sunny. i want to go get a tan. i want to go swim in the ocean. i want someone who wants me just as much as i want them. i want someone to live for me. i want someone to need me like i need them. i want to be needed. haha i want a lot, but im really not willing to give a lot. except my undying affection. which is pretty awesome if i do say so myself.
i love natasha bedingfield. shes so wonderful. hahaha! it's cold and im sleepy. more clinicals tomorrow. bye loves!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


ugh! so today krystle and i went to dance and krystle and i said some hugely funny big surprise right? and we forgot what it was. as we were saying it i was thinking oh damn i have to blog that...but we went to dinner and forgot what happened..damnit!! and when we were in the car we tried to remember it, but we couldnt. so krystle was like..damn..wasted humor!! we are so funny..hahahaha..okay only krystle and i get it...