Friday, October 13, 2006


Yes, you've had much to deal with lately, but don't confuse processing with wallowing. You can still deal with the past, even as you perform your duties and responsibilities in the present. It's time to move on. In a delicate negotiation today, there may be an unexpected sticking point that involves some humorous issues. Let your sense of humor guide the discussion to your own favor. Isn't it great that you have a sharper wit than most people? You will definitely get the upper hand without anyone realizing it. This will enable you to work hard for a compromise, but you won't have to reveal your hand. The key is flexibility but only to a certain point.Something's liable to get blown out of proportion between the two of you at the moment. Concentrate on keeping things in perspective, and you can turn what might be a big blow-up to a fruitful discussion instead.Romance happens when you give yourself a chance to heal. An old emotional issue has come to the surface, and it's time that you deal with it. Once you do, you'll truly be ready to move on to bigger and better things.

sometimes i swear its like reading my mind. but then again anyone can skew anything to make it apply to their life. today i am sick. as a dog. i babysat ethan though, but it wasn't so bad. he loves me and he's so dang cute. i was there at 7AM and i fed him breakfast and gave him a bottle and he played with his cars. he can walk a lot more now and i love him top bits. i changed him so many times today, his diapers and clothes. he ate lunch, mac and cheese of course, and then another bottle..poor kid was starved. then we watched TV and he took a nap and stuff. i can't wait to have kids. denise is having a girl, taylor is having a boy, jackie is having a girl, shannon is having a boy, and my other nephew is having a girl. everyone is pregnant. it makes me so happy. i'm so far away from that point. but i love makking money taking care of the little childrens. so i think i really may do ER as my rotation, prolly at UCSF or something like that. Denise said she'd hook it up with preceptors in the PICU. so i'm gonna see if i like that. i dunno. im just all over the place. man. i can't believe it. i got my graduation application and my units audit and its all coming so fast. my schedule next year is kick its gonna kick my ass...4 days in a row of pm shifts..dude..i may cry. i may have to quit cheer. we'll see. i could go anywhere...but i may stay local, terra linda or vallejo or san francisco. we'll see. i love it. im so scared. im so..excited.. i can't wait. i'm going to see tepe soon to help her pick out a house, prolly just for like 3 days or something. hopefully soon, maybe in like 4 weeks or something. i'm excited. SHOPPING! i love spending my sister's money.
p.s. anyone who reads this..prolly krystle and maybe tiffany. i get texting now and i have a new cell number tomorrow. new phone, new semester soon, start new, yenno? and plus way too many people have that cell phone number. i need to be discreet. haha yeah..saying i have a new number online..discreet. but yeah..prolly mo reads this too. hahaha and mandy..those die-hards..haha love them all. might be moving soon! omg..moving..again..i swear i just moved in. i dunno. so many many things to go wrong...i miss you...but my aim is getting better...HAHAHAH -grim adventures of billy and mandy

Thursday, October 12, 2006


My Horoscope for today:

You just want to curl up into a ball. Go for it! If there's one sign that deserves a little self-pampering (or a lot), it's yours. If someone close to you wants to help with this plan, accept the offer with open arms. (wow...hahah i am laughing cause i just talked to mo last night) Yes, things have been a blur lately -- but since your emotions are finally starting to slow down, your physical self should, too. Relaxation and comfort are more important than speed. Ease off the gas pedal and take the meandering road to your destination. Shortcuts will only frustrate you. Besides, following the scenic route is always more fun. There is no rush, no matter what deadlines you may be facing. You have much more time than you think. An issue that pops up now is only as big a deal as you allow it to be. (but i make everything a big deal!! its who i am!)Think about your reaction rather than just letting it be a knee-jerk one; how much does this really mean to you? (i dunno) Tiptoeing around the situation really won't help matters any. If you have something to get off your chest, you need to say it before it starts to fester. (i'm saying fuck this its not my fault) Just examine any underlying emotions beforehand.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


haha today i swear ive been sleeping all day long. well i woke up early cause there was damn construction and it was so loud. then i woke up and did some homework and got ready for my big meeting. the meeting went okay but i was kind of disappointed at the outcome, and i felt that i was more pushed to the side and overlooked as a serious member of the department. it was overall..i don't know. like we were stupid girls asking for stupid pretty sparkley things. i really prerared and had my arguments and everything. i dont know what else to do. we met the requirements, the coach, documentation, and everything else. i dont know.
i have a midterm tomorrow. which will suck. stupid acidosis..i was so stupid on my last test..argh. i hope i pass...i'm so sleepy. i napped all day long..and now i'm going to probably sleep more...

Monday, October 09, 2006


omg..4 points off of my test that i know of already because i didnt know the freaking difference between between hypo and hyper ventilation. IM SO SCREWED.... damnit. i had the right answer then i changed it. why oh why do i always do that to myself. damn me. shoot me. i was so mad. someone..please..i bet that im gonna fail by 4 points..damnit...

Sunday, October 08, 2006


today i had cheer camp. which was stupid, and i was so tired. but we all went out o tlunch afterwards so that was great. we all ate at the crepevine and i had..a ceasar salad with grilled chicken, my usual. so then we all talked for a long time and exchanged e-mail and cell numbers etc, etc. and so i made wonderful new friends.
then i went home alone to my lonely apartment. and studied? i didn't really. i was so bored and sleepy. so i called katie and talked to matt and we all had a dandy time. then regina came home and we pretended to study some more. then she took a nap and my family came over and we all talked. then we had pizza. and now i have my car. my life is complete. oh, and i'm buying new shoes..danskos..probably in purple...WOOT! i love it. and i'm getting a new stethoscope..because i can't possibly go to clinicals with a sprague..i'll be positively embarassed. haha i con't believe my mom is letting me get $115 dollar shoes. omg. but everyone wears them and they're so comfy. and i just need a new steth. cause mine's not all that great. and i need it for ICU. i hate med-surg, but hopefully it'll be okay. now i swear i'll study...