Saturday, July 15, 2006

oh hell no

no greg, you do not talk to me like that, or to any girl, like that, ever.i really dont know where you get off thinking that you can talk to me like that. i dont know how you were raised to think that its okay to talk to me like that. and i do not count as being the place where you learned to yell like that. coming from you all that yelling sounds all too natural and refined to be learned in the short 3 years we have been dating. seriously? i wasn't even yelling, i wasn't even saying anything bad, i was calm and relaxed and not being confrontational, but you still felt compelled to be a complete and huge jerk about everything. thank you for making me feel like i'm below you and worth nothing. oh and thank you for making me cry in front of my family, that made it all better. next time you ever feel like talking to me, don't. just don't. do us both a favor and cheat on me, because then you can complete the path of being a jerk in this relationship. until you learn how to speak to your gilfriend that you supposedly "love"correctly you are not welcome in my home, near me, or to talk to me. please stay away and everything will be fine because you will be positively easy to get over with your wonderful exit speech. sometimes i am wrong, and when i said yes to you was one of the bext examples of that. just because you are nice to me sometimes and drive down to see me does not give you an excuse to speak to me like that. i know that you wont call me because you are stubborn, but trust me, it will be all too easy to not talk to you. you, greg, have issues.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


i dunno. i never have any pictures.. yeah..i know maryanns bathingsuit doesnt match. it never seems to. and we always buy her new ones. shes so retarded...


okay i get it. i talk about myself a lot. but in my defense, i make my boring life sound super interesting and exciting. like my car's name is sasha or sean. i couldnt figure out which one was better. uh i went to my 'gym' class today and that was crazy soreness. uh. i dunno. my abs arent sore, but my thighs are. uh went to starbucks to meet up with matt. havent seen him in..oh about forever. we talked of a really long time..well mostly i talked, cause when no one talk i like to talk about things i know, and i really know myself..hahahah. anyways. got free coffee?
picked up sharlene and went home. watched TV, ate foodies. mmm..chips. my eye still case you didnt know, my eye hurts..i destroyed it somehow. i just dont know how...hhhmm. what else. i got a cute little pink doggie..hahaha she rocks..but her name is roy? i dunno that was the first name that popped in my head. i'll think of a better one soon. cause its pink..and roy? i dunno, guys wear pink now though, dont they?
i cant wait until summer school is over..well the morning summer school, i dont mind the working out stuff. out of a 6 pack..i have maybe a 2 pack..hahahaha..uh my puppy will be named kachina..whihc means sacred dancer. oh how wonderful...haha for awhile i was thinking about naming my car my cars name is id better go to sleep, but first i need to finish my laundry.