Saturday, May 20, 2006

love it

today was a little rough. got into some fights with my family, cried a little, same old same old, not being able to go out because maryann is irresponsible. stupid st. clements stupid parade she didnt even go there. anyways her arch wasnt finished and they need it tomorrow and therefore i am not allowed to go out because shes an idiot. my mother says ihave "problems" whatever what means. then i went to church and this little kid got baptised in front of me, more like next to me..literally. in ours church the baptism thing is in the middle of the floor and i was sitting next to it. talk about a pee show during mass. haha i was so close i swear i could have gotten elbowed in the face. then we went home and got jackets to go to the mall and eat dinner. my corndog wasnt cooked all the way and i didnt finish it. it was yucky. then i went to look for a dress to wear to a wedding for my cousin this next weekend. i couldnt find any dresses but i found a cute sweat outfit, and everyone knows i love sweat suit outfits. its grey, its cute, i think i'll wear it tomorrow. then i waited for my dad on a bench with maryann. and when we got home maryann realized that she forgot her cell phone on the bench..what a retard. yes i know. so we drove back and luckily it was there. then we got home and i watced TV and ate chips and drank soda, this whole diet thing is NOT working out. thats pretty much it. although i may get a hiar cut tomorrow, im in dire need of one. oh and i downloaded hekka songs positively obsessed with nelly furtado's promiscuous girl with timbaland. i love it. anyways. nothing else really. tomorrow is maryann santa crusan? thingie but it might rain and i dont know what'll happen then, hopefully it'll be canceled...hahaha is that bad? i need to go to the other mall to find something to wear. i saw this way cute dress at basic and i dont think my mommy will let me wear it though, but i may buy it anyways cause its cute. it comes in white too, and since im gonna be so nice and tan i may just buy it in white as well. frivilous i know, but it'll be worth it to look kick ass in those dresses...i have cramps now. peace out..

Friday, May 19, 2006

"oh kelly"

haha as krystle would say..oh kelly..haha ive seen her music video like a kadrillion time today..haha. lets i took maryann to school, came back home..slept for more hours than id like to tell you and ate cereal and 1.5 whole pizzas...haha and 2 cans of pepsi and a cup of apple juice...oh and chips..cant forget the chips. its really my mothers fault. my calves hurt so bad form dance so i didnt walk on the treadmill today. haha yeah i know.. waaahhh my calves hurt, im not gonna go walking...haha well, they hurt a lot, chaine, jete, leap, chaisse?, i have no idea, flick, kick, turn, hips, bam. i dunno. haha its a lot to remember. hahaha i think i can do it. it'll be okay. then i watched tv and did nothing. i also took another nap and watched tv, oh wait i said that already. so much time on my hands. sucha boring life i lead. oh i took a shower, it was like 45 minutes long cause the hot water felt good on my legs. haha. then we prayed. but my dad kinda messed up while praying and we were all hekka laughing. i have topack for hawaii. luckily im gonna get my period this week so i wont have it during hawaii, wonderful timing on my part. go biological clock. i really like the new shakira song. i dont know why i said that. im just waiting for my laundry to get finished. then i have to keep cleaning my room. i still have 1.5 suitcases from school that i have not unpacked yet. it wont take too long. kinda dropped my cell behind the bed. its either off or on silent, and i really dont care. cause its just too far for me to get, it really is. tomorrow its gonna rain again. it was so so so so cold today. i was sad. okay back to cleaning...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

waste of my life...

today i woke up early only to find out that my mother was going to take maryann to school today. obviously i couldnt go back to bed after that, so i spent my morning in bed..trying to go back to sleep. then i finally woke up when jaena like 1040am to see what i was doing. i was asleep and she was like..its almost 11, and youre still asleep? and i was like whatevs. so i called greg to see what time he was gonna get here, he was supposed to be here at 11. much to my surprise when he answered he was only in vacaville..the exact midpoitn between union city and sacramento. was i really surprised? no. i knew he was gonna be late...then i woek up and cleaned the house. like i always do. then i got ready. when greg got here we went to eat lunch/breakfast with jaena, rino, chano, and i think his name is something like mervin or marvin. its sad cause ive met him before. hahah. then we ate at country waffles. it was okay..not SSSSOOO great, but edible. then we all split ways and greg and i went to the mall to return the bathing suit bottom which is too small for my fat ass. yes..everyone..i have a fat ass..i am a huge gi-normous heifer. its cause it eat too much. and i dont work out. wait i forgot..yesterday i registered for summer school. im gonna take an aerobics class cause im such a fatty. hahaha..oh well. anyways, yeah. i went to jamba juice today? i have nothing. haha oh wait, after the mall greg left and we're in a big fight now. and i ate food today and my stomach hurt so much i thought i was gonna burst, it was great. hahaha. yeah anyways..nothing else is new. so much. hate my life. hahaha im so tried. went to dance that was way fun and learned a new combo. ssssosoooo much fun. hard, but fun. you would think id be in better shape cause of dance, but nope. nothing doing. me and krystle had some good laughs but i was sssooo tired. me and krystle always have some good laughs wait til we take religion together..that'll be a hoot..

Monday, May 15, 2006

where do i begin?

yesterday i was at a baptism for my cousins daughter. there was a filipino buffet and it was good. i didnt eat too much, but like, i didnt feel sick then. then i drove from san francisco to my apartment to meet my babeebury. he got there late and it was sssoo hot so we took a nice baby nap before we went to dinner. i just wanted to go to chili's and have dinner and dessert, but my love wanted to take me out on the town because it was our last weekend at my apartment. so we called up his buddy matt and went out to pick him up and eat dinner with him. when we got there matt got in and we decided to go for pizza and fries. matt chose the place but it was close enough to walk there so we did. it was nice and cold and my poor babeebury didnt have a jacket and i tried to warm him up cause i love him. then we got to busters and ate pizza, soda, and french fries. i started to get a headache but i think it was because i was wearing a headband and glasses and my hair was tied back and up. so we finished and walked back to matts. then we stayed and they both talked while i was sleepy. finally at about 1 am we left and drove back to my apartment. we had a little fight and went to sleep on opposite sides of the bed, but in the middle of the night i couldnt sleep and woke him up and we argued more but i told him to cuddle with me because i couldnt sleep and my stomach hurt cause i wasnt sleeping next to him and nuzzling. so yeah. then we were sleeping and my stomach started to hurt more and more and more. and finally..i started throwing up..a lot.. over and over, oh wait, and over. i felt like crap so i called my mom and she said to just wait it. but they probably were going to have to pick me up. so i waited..threw up some more, and finally i told my mommy and daddy to come and get me. greg was taking care of me and holding me but my whole body hurt and was super sensitive. i just kept going to the bathroom and throwing up. it was horrible..and i was crying and it was all bad. greg then packed my stuff up so my parents could take it home and he hadto leave and i was so sad cause all i could do was lie there and not open my eyes cause i was in so much pain. my back hurt from heaving and my stomach hurt from everything else. my poor beebee was so sad. i tried drinking water but it wouldnt stay down. finally he had to leave and i was sssssooooo sad but i was so preoccupied with pain tha i couldnt even kiss him good bye. it was the worst goodbye ever. and i was sad. then my mommy and daddy came to get me. i went to get the door and ran back to the bathroom to throw up more. then in the car i threw up again. and i think i passed out from the pain in the car. when i got home it smelled like food in the house so i threw up again...and again...and again. nothing was really coming out, but some stuff was. it was disgusting, but they didnt last that long so felt like i could endure it. and i kinda felt better after throwing up. i just laid on the bed..sweaty cause of the pain...diaphoresis...and cold and hot flashes with cold was gross. i was so pale, my mom swore i was jaundiced. but after meds..oh wonderful wonderful meds..and rest, i'm kinda better, even through right now i feel like throwing up again cause i drank soup and had SOME chicken...damnit all..i talked to my babeebury but he was so tired cause i had kept him up all night with my arguing and tummy he's sleeping and he has finals tomorrow. oh my love. and im so tired.and in pain. and i havent really eaten anything all day. this is one way to lose weight for hawaii..sad..