Thursday, October 09, 2003

Hahaha..hi back..this weekend is gonna be gonna have so much fun at home..homecoming weekend!! Yeah..okay heres what happened..uumm..I failed my cheer test..then I passed..then I took like 4 midterms..and failed only 2..hahaha..and well..if you asked anyone who has cried the most or has had the most boy problems at school here..everyone would be like..teeny..haha..I have drama up the wazoo..hahaha..or the ying yang..which every you want..hahah..but much happened..hahaha..mostly guess..he hasnt passed the application process yet..hahahaha...hes getting there..okay im not gonna be one of those girls who talks about her guys online or anything..but hes great..and hes funny hahaha and he knows EVERYTHING ABOUT ME..cause I told him..I figured my last thing messed up cause I didnt tell him I told him..cause h asked..and he wanted to know about me..because he likes blushing..but yeah..he great and nice and all the things whatever..KINDA OBNOXIOUS..but in the good way..hahaha..he doesnt think he fucking self righteous like some assholes..thinking he’s the shit and knows everything...WHATEVA FOOL..but yeah..hahaha..he was supposed to go with me to the homecoming game but I told him not to go to union city cause he’d be driving by himself and I didnt want him to..I took him to boat dance a couple weeks ago..hahah..but yeah..he calls a lot..and hes so retarded..hahaha..he makes me roll my eyes and makes me mad..hahaha..but its okay..cause im having fun..not hella serious..not caused by talking to him cause I like him..not cause im trying to make someone jealous..haha..but yeah..he makes me talk about things I don’t want my past..(yenno what im talking about mandy?) But yeah and i get mad but I tell him because he honestly wants to know...and its good to talk..and its good to tell people your crappy life and crappy things that have happened to you..I got sick yesterday..I have a was bad..but I was talking to greg..and it made me feel such a just a bit crazy..but yenno..I dunno..cause yeah.other ‘past’ is here..and like..would like to be ‘here’ and I dunno..but yeah..haha..gotta let go right? And grow up? And let go of your past? And get over it? But why cant I get over it? But kinda in the middle..cause hes there and so is here..and I’ve always wanted one of them..but I have something new..its complicated..he has WAY too much power over me..hahaha..he could have my if he tried..poor so CRAZY..don’t take anything here seirously..its late..and I havent slept 4 days cause I was dying..I havent eaten anything lost 6 LBS this week cause I don’t eat cause im stressed about studying and stuf..okay well..the stuff makes it the most..cause I cant eat cause this person..a differentone..has this effect on me..I had let go..but its back..and I don’t know what to do..I miss him so makes me cry..but I decided..and I don’t deserve it..and im stupid..I should just kill so PMSing..but yeah..I’ll be better when I get home..aaahh..home..