Friday, March 16, 2007

that 70's show

eric: if it werent' for me donna would be like on the other side of the world by now.

fez: hey. i'm from the other side of the world, and it's no picnic...well..i guess if you eat every meal on the ground then it is technically a picnic....


class is cancelled

today i was so was crazy..hahah first of all my first 8am class was cancelled and i was so pissed off cause i was hella debating about whether i should go to class, but we were supposed to get our midterm grades so i decided to go, and the damn class was cancalled. so i went back to my apartment and took a nice hour nap and was still even more tired when i went to my india class. so we got our grades re-graded because our teacher had his assistant grade them and i got a 100. hahaha so basically i got perfect scores on both of my india midterms. its kind of wonderful and its kind of great. but now all i have to do is find out my grade for religion. eh i dont care too much cause i hate my life and no matter what grades i get i'm not going to be announced cum laude during the graduation ceremony. i hate my life.....
its all for nothing...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

so far..

so far things are going well..i got a 98 on my indian religion least i think i did..i had a 96.5 but i got another point cause there was a question marked wrong that was right cause i had proof in my binder, a handout, unlike some people in our class who are just clawing for points hella randomly cause they didn't get a high enough grade. and on top of that i completely aced my indian art midterm..straight up A+..nothing wrong. at all..everything right!! hahaha. my teacher called me out of class to congratulate me on getting a perfect score and thank me because she always loves to see people really get the content in class. i'm just really good at memorizing straight facts, not so good at interpreting things. haha so therefor i have no critical thining skills and the greates photographic mind of all my indian art class..cause i was the only one to get a perfect score. =) go me. hahahahah. my teacher..who is the cutest woman on earth asked me if i wanted to do any extra papers because she didn;t think i was challenged enough. haha i was like..oh no i studied really hard for this test..which i did i really did. but it was the night before, but then again we had been looking at the same slides for about oh..7 i really memorized them. hahaha, i was so good. but yeah. thats it. i still have to get my catholic religion test back. which i will be getting tomorrow. =) hopefully i got at least a B because i totally didn't answer anything with long enough answers...hahah. oh well..whatevs..

shopping sucks

okay, i know i wasn;t the only one who felt completely discouraged after the job fair. so many places didn;t have recruiters there, only random people to hold down the fort, and places that did said their new grad programs were full and had waiting lists miles long. i for one feel defeated and spent the whole rest of today freaking out and frantically applying online. but is it supposed to be that way? i'm so confused and everything. is it always like this? hahah i know i'm new at this, but we all were thinking that everything was full and that we were never going to find jobs..ever.. or at least not until next year. and i'm sad. hahaha.
oh and some lady we went to asked what school we went to and we said dominican and she got all forceful and kept asking if our school was accredited because last time she checked it wasnt and that they only hire nurses from accredited schools. i personally wanted to punch her and run out crying because i felt like my school was crap because no hospital wants us, and i dont know. maybe its just anxiety. but any words of wisdom or tips would help me..greatly..and be greatly appreciated.