Friday, June 24, 2005

remember when these were my girls? whom i spent my entire life with? *sigh* those were some fun interesting full of dance times. Posted by Hello


yenno when you kinda hella really regret not keeping in touch with friends from high school? *sigh* cause well tomorrow is hoh's thing where he was born on that day and stuff..and like..i want to go cause he's my friend, but im honestly scared to see people i went to high school with. firstly cause i feel hella bad for not keeping in touch, but its not like it was all me..i mean friendship is like a 2 frikking way street. but i dunno. high school was way akward and embarassing for me, so its like yeah. and yeah i gained a little weight and..a little more, but like..i dunno. i hate it when i know people are judging me yenno? and like i know people who i'll see there like, i used to be hella good friends and then like towards the middle of high school we just didn't even try to be friends. but yeah. maybe i wont even stay long. i'll just stay long enough to be polite and stuff. i mean i feel really bad, and it sucks a lot to not have those friends anymore, but i dunno, i guess i dont care cause i don't have to see them anymore during school, but its just akward, and i know that like..i dunno..
i know no one cares really because that was all in the past, but like..we used to be friends and just cause we didnt keep in touch, but like all my other friends from high school are hella close still..i dunno..i dont care. for one reason or another i'm just the oddball out. but i dont mind. i mean i have a wonderful boyfriend who loves me. but i really shouldnt say that i dont care or mind because i do. i wish it was like freshmen year in college, where i still had some of my friends, but i swear. i was busy. i never went home. its sad. ive even grown a little bit apart from the club.
i know things change, but i was hoping that me being a friend wouldnt. oh well. can't go back. but when i think about it, i really was busy. swear. im not using that as an excuse, but i was. ihad stuff. school. studying. working out. spending time with my boyfriend. cheer. dance. things that took up a lot of time. and i had hella tedious classes. im not i dunno. im sad is all...

Thursday, June 23, 2005

complete boredom...

so i have been wokring out so that i can look kick ass for when we go to hawaii..but i havent been doing anyting for awhile cause ive been sick..and of course all the weight came back..and i look fatter than ever. *sigh* so shoot me..can't get my huge butt out of bed to jog a mile. a mile!!! thats all i ask myself to run everyday or at least 3 times a week. and i can't even do that. oh well. whatevs. i didnt do anything today except look fat and take my aunt to the grocery store to get supplies to bake lots of food my my cousin's baby shower..YAY!!
btw. hoh's present came in the mail today. looks really nice if i do say so myself..nice. i think i may buy myself something similar. but yeah. okay..nothing else is new. except im fat. well thats not really new...hahaha..die..

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

MY EYE!! my body is attacking me. not my whole body..just my eye. i've been walking around for the last 2 weeks with sunglasses cause my eyeball decided to have intercourse with who knows what and have its baby. sad i know.
so therefore, no public outings for me as long as i have this sucker. i;m supposed to go to the doctor's next tuesday to get this mother freaking baby off of my face with some lidocane and a very sharp knife. i get to wear an eye patch.
aarr. i am a pirate.
so sad me. as if i didnt have enough scars to deal with. whatevs. just when i was beginning to enjoy the look of my face. i was like.okay..yeah..all the years of akwardness are paying off cause i lok nice. but no. this..this..thing..its horrible..i hate it.
someone wanna drive me to my minor surgical appointment. i'd ask greg, but he really doesnt love me as much as he says he does..JUST KIDDING. the jerk has work and cant take the day off cause he's going to the cartoon show party in L.A. next week..another way that cartoons..i mean anime..haha..destroys my life..
*sigh* i need a trip to the beach..stupid late people..yes you greg. ya jerk..jerk jerk jerk.
nothing goes right on mondays..well..and seeing as how today is tuesday..haha
my aunt is coming tomorrow to take care of my auntie lita who had breast cancer and had to have surgery on friday. so thats whats happening..nothing else. looking for apartments. love it. nothing more except i have a wonderful pair of very short shorts..hahah..i love american eagle..