Saturday, December 23, 2006

ice skating

yesterday me, tepe, jayne, and gregory went ice skating. this was just one of the wonderful dates that gred and i have been on in the past two weeks. last week he went with my family and i to my cousin princess' cotillion. that was fun. we all got dressed up and we all looked so nice and pretty. i wore my black dress that i wore to the boat dance and greg wore black pants and a nice black button up shirt. we were so cute and we had so much fun. hahaha and chelle chelle really likes gred. so much she has a crush on him. notice i type gred instead of greg. cause chelle chelle can't say greg...but she can say gred. hahaha and she always says "i don't have a crush on gred!!" HAHAHAHA. she's so funny. she's always smiling at him and talking to him and stuff. gred thinks its cute too. hahahaha. she super has a crush on him.
so anyways. we went ice skating in san francisco. and it was so much fun. greg and jayne have never been ice sakting before so it was gonna be so much fun. we rented skates and went ice skating and it was cold and fun and so crazy. hahaha everyone was scared and thought they were gonna fall, but we were all okay and i almost had some crazy spills, but i saved myself. it was so much fun. greg and i were holding hands an ice skating and it was super cute. we all took pictures and made a train and it was so scary! but we all did okay. ahahah greg had so much fun and had been so excited to go ice skating. hahahaha. he was like, i'm really so excited!! it was so cute. then he said he had so much fun. i was so glad, i thought that he was gonna fall or something, but he was so good at it. hahahaha. ah, we should do it again some day. anyways. i had so much fun and my love did too, so that's that.
the other day i went to dinner with mandy and it was way fun. we talked about everything and anything. we looked at people's facebooks and talked about stuff about boyfriends and dating and make up and slutty people in our class and in general. hahaha. it was fun. i miss mandy when she's away at school. i pretty much only talk to her and krystle and tiff sometimes. but it's fun. we went to chevy's and ate. it was so good. and we had dessert. it was goooood..
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