Saturday, April 19, 2003

dude i got in hecka trouble..but it was hecka random..i was sitting at the table eating waffles and stuff when i asked my mom whether i could go play in the park with tiffany on monday..and she spazzed out and hecka started yelling at me! YOU HAVE TO STUDY YOURE FAILING ANATOMY..okay so having a D in anatomy is a valid reason to get mad at me..but she just started yelling at me and i was like i ran into my 3 staps away..and she followed me and was like youre not going anywhere next week youre staying home and cleaning. i was like hello vacation! i hella do nothing but work hard in school. i study and i did was i was supposed to do in high school. i got into a good university..i got a scholarship..and whatever..i'm doing pretty damn well. and my mom is completely screaming at me for trying my hardest. i get decent grades and i dont get in trouble im a freakin angel compared to other people in my school. and its like hello what more do you want! im so tired of it..i swear im about to just give up..i cant give anymore. i have nothing left! i have nothing to support me! my parents get mad at me if i cant do well in school..but when i fail they say its okay because they know i wouldnt have been able to suceed anyways. they set me up for failure. like college..they want me to try hard in school especially anatomy but yet they dont think i can do it.. they say you should still apply at cal state because i dont think you can do it! what the hell is that! she swears like that doesnt hurt. eerr i was so mad i was like crying..she was like you dont deserve to go to a good university youre grades are so low blah blah..okay why dont you just oush my hand across my throat with a knife..gosh i hate it! what have i done..dont they understand school is hard? so parents swear that this isnt my SENIOR YEAR!! and that its 4TH QUARTER!! but im crying and im blawling and my mom closes my door and shes like youre not going anywhere youre gonna im really ticked off and im like why dont i just kill myself! argh! so my mom comes back in and is like what? and i said nothing get out i need to she leaves and im crying..and im thinking about school cause i have to..and i look back at all my hard work..and i dont care..i really dont care..i have really nothing going for me..i basically have my life planned out even though i dont want to do what i have to a nurse..thats the only i was able to ene think of pursuing..cause hey im not smart enough to be an engineer..even though my dad thinks i am..i hate computers...and so the only thing is a nurse. obviously..what if i dont want to? this is the only thing youve been preparing me for and im gonna hate it..thanks a lot for basically making my life a living spiral of dispair..

Friday, April 18, 2003

today..ah good was fun..we went to the afternoon one cause you know hecka people were gonna be at the night one. so yeah..theres 2 hours..when i got home i hecka cleaned my room..and i ended up making more of a mess than i started with. i do that a lot. my older sister came home..and guess what the first thing she said to me? hey get me some food. i was like hello!! fool! you lazy punk! you just get home and youre already bossing me i was like hecka no! so thats about it of my nice day..pretty boring..i did like 3 loads of laundry..its great..and my family started this "novena" i think she made it up. hehe..but we're doing it anyways. tomorrow i get to go to church with'll be fun..well if anything else interesting happens i'll write..
so im supposed to be waiting for this guy that my friend likes to be online. so im gonna write my sad sad life story. there we go. i was born here...well hayward kaiser..on december 25, 1985...go christmas babies! yeah and i have an older sister and a younger sister. my older sister stepahnie (tepe) is 21 and is in little 13..she goes to AMS...o and pets..i have 2 dogs..molly and blue..and 1 bird..cedric..and a cat..named kitty..original i as you can see..i have middle child syndrome. but yeah..when i was 4 i started kindergarden at OLR and i began to play the piano..i stayed there until 1st grade. then i went to public school. i first went to alvarado elementary for 2nd grade. then cabello elementary for 3rd and 4th grade. i so have social problems because of these changes at a young age..its pretty obvious..heheh.. then i went to AMS til 8th grade. between 5th and 8th i started swimming and playing instruments..namely the flute. as for swimming...i was supposed to be in a class..but i randomly started on a team. so i swam and i was good and i loved it. i started swimming year round. then in high school. but my grades started sucking like a vacuum, so i had to quit. speaking of quitting i wanted to quit band to join guard..and there went 5 years of i did quit. and i found dance soph found me.and i found out i was good..if i tried. so i was capt for winterguard, and then next year i made comp and was capt of one of the winterguards, and the next year for competition i was capt for both seasons with elizabeth my i am today: a senior, 17, attending a private high school, and eventually going to a University next year. its gonna be hard. oh well. thats about it. my life is dance guard sleep and eat. pretty much it..i have an interesting life huh? not really. theres really nothing more. i have no one in my life..what am i talking about..nor have i just really picky..VERY PICKY!! EXTREMELY PICKY!! i can't even eat lunch without a 5 min mental debate on what i should get. so if i pick happy..cause im getting more lenient..oh..hhmm..what else..oh yeah..those sexual innuendo jokes eveyone makes..i dont always quite get those nor do i make those jokes very well..what can i say? i grew up sheltered! so every summer my family goes camping a lot. we have an RV and a boat that we take out to camping. i like boating, its fun. we have a tiny motor boat, its white and blue green. and i can drive it. this year we;re going to lake delvalle for 4th oh july. come visit me. we'll have hecka food and we wont notice another person on our camp site. oh remind me that i have rehersal on tue..12:30pm - 3:00pm? dangit i dunno..i'd better ask krystle..but shes going to LA and Sand Diego..if youre reading this krystle..remember i want a ROCK! not just any rock..but a rock from the beach =). and i have rehersal next saturday..9:00am-12:00pm..i think..oh well..haha i'll find out when i get there! okay well..its like 1 going to bed..sweet dream everyone..i mean all 3 people that read this..including me!! hahaha..bye!

Thursday, April 17, 2003

okay this is the famous joke of 'THE CLUB' carefully..
P for PHIL
no guys... its LMNOP
wow today was fun. it was hecka sunny in union city cause God loves my city. so i called tiffany and she was like are you sure? and i said yeah! so tiff came and picked me up..and it was nice and warm. we went to wal mart to go develop film. and i saw my friend maricel at wal mart. then we went to the park. i made a club put pictures and write stories and stuff and inside jokes and quotes and stupid things we do. so that'll be full soon. and then we were waiting for krystle and we played. it was fun. we were supposed to fly a kite. but we wanted to play. so we played in the park and took pictures. of me doing a CHERRY "BOMB" as krystle would say..and tiffany on the dizzy-mobile..hehehe. i unleashed my full spinning potential and tiffany almost died!! ahahaha..yeah then we went to go pick up the film. nice picture. i tried to steal them SEVERAL TIMES, but i forgot. so yeah. eerr ANTONY IS GONNA DIE (YOU TOO TIFFANY) nice picture im gonna take it when you least expect it. then i'll burn it..and the negatives..then where will you be? but you can't even tell its me so..yes.. i really just have bad experiences with that time when we were taking swim pictures and i fell in the water..and i had to take the picture soaking was great. yeah and the more recent pull your shorts up but really only teeny. yeah nice guys.. then i got all psycho and was like WELL WHY DONT WE JUST GO SHOW EVERYONE SO EVERYONE WILL SEE SOMEONE ATTACKING ME! then we did..we went to antony's house and stayed there for a bit. wow those guys are weird. but theyre fun to hang out with. never a dull moment. we were all ganging up on krystle..cause if it wasnt gonna be krystle it was gonna be me! hahah i felt it was an evasive manuver (yeah i dont know how to spell). so yeah we stayed there for like 10 minutes.. and within that time i attacked the them taken away.. and got bitten! why is everyone biting people? is it fun? is someone a cannibal????but then tiffany had to go and take my brother in law to kung-fu..yeah. so i was there with krystle and yes. i made the resolution that antony will not creep me out anymore. i can take it. i swear. i hope. PLEASE! then tiffany called..and i was mad at my phone cause it doesnt work so i dropped it on the floor..haha and it broke..hehehe.. but yeah. so yeah we were all talking about tiffany and then like one of them was saying that he knows tiffany wants him and antony was like no she thinks im hott..and i said yeah she does..then i was like havent read her blog i was all trying to be slick and be all shifty eyed..then they were all saying im gonna read her blog blah blah blah. so krystle was like oh no theres a link one my blog! and i was mine? and she said we ran out of the garage and left. its hecka windy! when i got home i took a nap and fought with my sister cause she took stuff from my room. then i went to church with my family at like 7:15pm..and we got home at 9:30pm. i felt awful at still sick..argh..stupid germs die die die! so then i got home and here i am..
so yes. first day of spring break..woohoo..go no school. so i woke up at about 6:30 AM cause thats what time i usually wake up for school..and i was like..why the heck did i wake up?? this is great im waking up early for vacation. so i ended up lying there in bed cause my body didnt want to sleep cause it wanted to wake up. well too bad body..i showed you ha ha. i went back to sleep..then my cell phone rang..except it was an sister had set my alarm for 8 AM..the little brat!! so i turn it off and go back to sleep. then i finally wake up at about 9:30 AM and go out and watch TV, but not before i scare my mother, who is celeaning the freezer..she yells at me..AYE WHY DID YOU DO DAT! YOOOUUU!! i smiled then i went to watch Martha Stewart or however you spell her last name. easter is almost here! we should have an easter egg hunt? okay tiffany? oh yeah if youre reading mom wanted me to have a cotillion with you =( she was like you talk to her all the time and youre always together i was hoping you would have a cotiliion with one of your friends. but oh well..kinda makes me sad. but its okay. i dont really need a cotillion. i guess my parents will just get me a car. speaking of needing a car..which i dont cause im going to college and wont need one..but still a can i go to college? im only 17!! how am i supposed to live by myself in a city where i know no one??? this is really scary..cause i cant even clean my room..much less the 10' x 10' dorm room..which i have to share with another person or 2! how am i supposed take care of myself! why are my parents making me go? actually it was my idea. i was initially going to go to SFSU but in state colleges it takes 5 or 6 years to graduate. which is so not gonna happen. im through with school..oh so through! so yeah. thats all. and my stomach hurts..cause im hella still sick..i shouldnt have played outside yesterday..especially not since it was raining..hehe i do these things to myself. and like when we were praying i hella wanted to cough so my lungs were going to burst. yeah. so lent is almost over. i gave up meat and cursing. its been working fine. but i dont think i'll curse afterwards either. its just easier. and the meat thing wasnt so bad. i mean i kinda lost weight..but i didnt know what i weighed before lent so i wouldnt know. but now i weigh 119 lbs. which is all " muscle" aka adipose tissue. (which is fat cells clumped together to make fat) hehe but yeah. i am so out of shape. i need to start swimming again. i cant even fit into some of my jeans! i swear i grew like a whole pants size since i stopped swimming. my thighs feel really big. i feel really big. aahh im a blob of fatty tissue!! hahaha im eating spaghetti right now and i asked my mom how long we would be at church. and she said like 7pm to 11 pm..and i was like WHAT???!! then she said why are you expecting someone to call..but when i turned around before she said that i had a spaghetti noodle hanging out of my mouth and i just let it sit there and my mom was hella laughing. i said you werent expecting that now huh? i gotcha huh? hehe my mommy is funny. okay well i'll write more as my day gets interesting.
CREEPSTERVILLE!!! blah de is HIGH-LARIOUS..dude she bet phil..her new hot romance..that she wouldnt spill..she bet 5 bucks.. i told phil he shoulda gone for the whole 10 bucks..but he has faith in her..i dont. what happens you ask? she trips..and doesnt spill on herself..but on the ground..and on phil's shoes.. yep..nice..theres a good 5 bucks..and about 473289 hours of laughter from tiffany and me..we go crazy..then antony and his brothers scare me..or does that happen first? iOnO..hehe..but yeah..then me and tiffany got a little tipsy off laughing and i think we embarassed krystle..she's mad at us..we're sorry krystle..we love you..hehehehe..j/k.. and yes. then we went outside..and they stole my car keys..nice..then they stole krystle's pictures of us at the beach when we were showing our legs..i mean i was..the rest flaked..damnnit..and was creepy. i think i know why krystle goes to youth group..nice..heheh..dont worry i guess i understand..hehe. so yeah. so then tiffany and antony the lovers conspire to kill me and they take picture of it..eerr..die die gonna get you all back..dude..anyways..then we played in the park..and yes..then it rained..and phil got stuck in the window of my truck..then tiff and i left them alone to MAKE OUT!! but they didnt take the hint..and just we went inside to find krystle..and then i sat down..and this guy comes in a rolley computer chair..and was like rubbing his leg against mine..not creepy at all..and i was's looking at me..she wouldnt believe me..but it was so creepy..then we went into another room..and we had a prayer..i think i would have cried if i had tohold hands with him..i was like..stop looking at me..THeY TOLD YOU THAT I GET CREEPED OUT EASILY HUH? HUH? THOSE FOOLS!! eerr..but now everyone in krystle's youth group that is a boy is trying to make me squirm..because i do get creeped out easily..only when i know people are tyring to make me squirm..but if they are really being nice i dont mind. anyways..then we went home and now im talking online..okay..yeah..maybe more later?

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

dude okay so i havent been writing for a bagajillion what..nothing really interesting happened to me..except we got a celan sweep of 1st 2nd and 3rd..against the soldi gold dancers..muwahaha..yesh thats 2 years of training for your sequins make up and 6 years of training..and we made the dance up suck..take that 4783219 pirouettes..hehehe.
that was the ohlone festival..
and we got POINT FRIGGIN you can see..but oh well..i guess we didnt want it bad enough..but theres always next year..oh next year..oh yes..that was it..nothing interesting...
oh d made me cry again..she loves doing that..i'll bet its her fave pastime..she does it often..even when she doesnt know it..=)..okay well yeah..i cant wait to graduate.. prom passed..i did krystles make the best..woohoo so i got hella scared when i went to krystle's dates house. way to scare me as i come out from the bathroom..nice touch. then please..jump through the window of my not scared..oh but i really tired..
we had a day of fun yesterday..we went to the tiffy was fun..then we went to my house to pick my senior ball dress..its pretty..its purple and blue..but dont have a date..
well..antony turned me down..ouch..that hurt..but its okay..i swear its okay that i go alone..or with like JJ..but they hella dont believe me..heheh..jj wanted to ask me first..but oh well..i mean its senior ball..not like its a friggin rule that i need a date..
okay soup today.. lots of creepy that..especially when the touch you legs!! and look at picture of you in your bathing suit..never going back there..okay..thats about it..have fun