Saturday, December 04, 2004

hhhmm..what happened last night? YOU TELL ME!! haha more like what didnt happen. uh ashley saw me moping and doping in my room and we talked and she wihisked me away for a magical adventure-like night out with the girls =). it was fun. the night consisted of me and amanda and kamee and denise and kristin and austin and ashley having fun fun fun. first me and amanda decide to go to the dance, which was fun. haha, but we had to leave for a bit to go back to replenish fluids. haha then we went back to denise's room and talk to her friends and roomies then amanda's room then to 224!!! haha AFTER PARTY hahah. it was funny. everyone was worried about olivia cause she was right across the way. gigi was there and we had LOTS lotsa fun. hahaha POINT FOR ROGER!! HE KNOWS MY NAME!! HAHAHAH then imiatating charades and stuff. haha and dancing with gig and denise and amanda..PRICELESS!! and there are pictures!! I LOVE THOSE GIRLS!! THUG LOVE MAN!! ETHNIC!! hahaha but yeah. theyre so much fun. and thst proceeded until the wee hours of the morning..hahah all i was yelling all night was i want a piece of ass tonight..haha and i wanna sexually harass him with my ass. hahaha it was funny. amanda was cracking up. but i was serious..haha or was i? i really dont know nor do i care cause nothing happened. haha i went to bed and i felt really really sick. i didnt even sleep at all. and when ashley came in the morning we talking about each of our wonderful wonderful nights..haha im so happy for ashley. LOVE HER!!HAHA YEAH!! but we both had fun fun nights in each way that we needed to be having fun. hahahah. GOD I HATE..GGRR..i hate dry cleaners..i hate hate hate hate stupid passive agressive people that say they wanna see you but dont go through with it and dont see you. muther freaking..god if you really wannted to see me you would but youre too much of a pussy to even try and see me. god. you take everything literally..fuck that..youre in a fucking relatioship with a girl..nothing means what we say it is. AAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH
SPEAKING OF STUPID PEOPLE..yeah right BIATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

so i hate my life. i finished my the whole thing. wrote revisions. and..trumpets please..I ADDED ANOTHER PAGE OF WRITING. so you really can write 13 pages about someone..hhhmm..whoda thunk it. haha. my paper actually totals about 14 pages, but one is the cover sheet.
today i had my focused exam for health assessment. hhmm. i like how i had to do the WHOLE NEUROLOGICAL SCREENING EXAM!! seriously..that thing took like forever!! i wonder what other people have for their finals. dont worry. i have lots more:
8AM microbiology- only 5 chapters
1PM pathophysiology- CUMMULATIVE OF THE WHOLE SEMESTER!! uh like..20 chapters
9AM health assessment- CUMMULATIVE OF THE WHOLE SEMESTER!! only 28 chapters!!
1PM nursing technologies- practical exam..i'll prolly have to foley catheter a male...GREAT!
10AM microbiology lab- i dont even know what this is on
3PM health promotion and maintenance- i have a paper due (in addition to the one mentioned before) and a CUMMULATIVE FINAL!! like oh..20 chapters..

yes..i know im screwed. i wonder. if all my other friends..haha yeah friends. i mean people i went to high school with are having as much fun as i am. i mean im passing all my classes. i think..hopefully i have a 3.25. my classes are dead hard. really. i mean it. they're all like practical lab or theory or both mixed in together!! does everyone else have it this hard? dont other people only have lecture and theory? i have clinicals and field work. damn. it really hit my when rose was talking about it to us. she was saying like "youve had experience, youve been out in the field, you are nurses in training, you will, in 2 years, be certified RN's." well if that doesnt scare the crap out of you then i dont know what will. its so close. and then..i'm gonna have to care for people and have their life in my hands sometimes. haha i say sometimes cause im hella lazy. but yeah. wow. scary. im right away gonna work after i pass the NCLEX. how crazy. i know others have graduate school and thats a lot, but you guys get..8 years or more to learn what i have to in..4? my cousin's friend in med school was telling me..yeah sometimes i dont know what im doing and i ask the nurse what she thinks. hahaha. you get time to grow up in school. i graduate at what...21? and i'll not have even been 21 for half a year yet. dang im really scared. which makes me want to go to graduate school, just to get more time to mature. but i think i can handle it. my clinical instructor said i was doing good and i'll make a great nurse. i cant wait really. actually i can, but im glad i realized this. cause now i can really take school seriously. i mean i have been..but yenno. =)
so i was reading other people's blogs and whatnot. especially those with boyfriends and all they say are i love you blah blah i miss you..blah blah you are the best..blah blah. and im really sorry guys. but not really. hahaha now i love my boyfriend. very much. and i dont have to say it 438290 times in each entry. he knows. i dunno whatever. i use my blog to complain about school. so ive changed my mind. carry on with your gushiness...

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

haha was my anniversary..nothing special..i was waiting all day for gregory to say it to'd think after over a year he would be on track..but apparently he needs a little kick in the ass to get going..haha
so i finished my heinous paper..13 pages..not bad..the maximum was 15. i think i did..CRAPPY..that was the crappiest thing ive ever written. hahaha. but thats okay..its only worth everything of my grade..awesome..
tomorrow i have a focused exam in health assessment..anyone need me to give them a breast examination or a testicular exam? cause im suppoed to know how to do that =) but obiously i dont. i havent even looked at those..its okay though. but what ever.
i got a new printer..its cool. i mean printer/copier/scanner. yeah thats right..3 in one baby!!! hahah yeah. i think its great, considering i dont have one =)
uh i dunno what else. this week needs to be over..and so does i can go to the philippines!! i leave on the 14th at 1:34 pm. sad. greg cant see me off oh well. my family is going to then im gonna spend christmas with my lola!! yay!! i dont come back from hte philippines until the 10th of january. long time huh? but i love it there.
hhmm for my birthday what do i want..heres a list of things i want, just in case you dont know:
1. a pony
2. a unicorn
3. to pass all my classes with a B+
4. new bedsheets and blanket (all purple still) i need something new in my room
5. a bookshelf that will fit in my dorm room for all my nifty 473289 page books
6. the books for next semester (thats like..$700 dollars.)
7. PANTS!! haha the jeans i got at AE are too small for my fat thighs..
8. a girlfriend for my fish peej
things i do not want for my birthday: (this is really just for greg to read)
1. shoes
2. earrings
3. a TV w/dvd player
4. clothes
5. anything that costs more than you have you stupid money spender person!!