Wednesday, July 05, 2006

something in the water

im so itchy. i think i need to go to the dermatologist. it super duper itchy. man. super duper. i have all this petechiae on my hips arms and legs. its kinda gross. haha i know all of you wanted to hear that too. super itchy. took a super long nap today, saw tha babies..i need to invest in a pink purse..random knowledge..too itchy to care to be like really itchy..oh this sucks so much. i got nothing today..

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


well i just got back from camping andi am super dark. i have slipper tans galore. its so bad. hhmm. camping was fun except for some crap that we had to deal with the entire time, then the whole learning about your whole fmaily gone to crap underneath your very nose kinda made it suck, but ti was fun to see my fmaily and go camping and swimming with my family and the pets..oh the pets. lovely lovely pets. they swim sssooo well. haha. i taught chell chell how to swim..well kinda. she was kicking and waving her arms, but only one set at a time and she was holding on to me for dear life and i was only in about 3 feet of water, but her to a 4 years old that may as well have been 8 feet. we all got dark and the boys got super sunburned except the black kid who was with us. apparently according to his ignorant ass sunblock doesnt work and black people dont get sunburned. stupid..yes..i know..ive been over it a million times. didnt take too many pictures, wasnt too hot..oohh but we did see this camp site full of guys. haha. they were bkining past our campsite and to be funny i was like hey baby super loud..hahah and know how it goes..we're a camp full of girls..theyre a camp full of also helped that i went jogging and biking ALL over the camp area to find them..haha they were in wild turkey... hahahahaha. oh the fun of camping. uh. drove home..was ssssoo scraggle..wonderful. bought masks and peels and foot scrubs to make myself a little more decent for nothing because i really feel super single. like some days i act like i am, and it really feels like i am. cause its not like i even get to talk to or see the guys who claims to be my boyfriend. anyways...
man. i have to go to school tomorrow. i dont want to. im so irritated with summer school. so irritating. i thoughtit would make my life so much easier, but no. it didnt. it made it worse. cause apparently i have a life in the morning and he has one at night..which none of it includes me. oh fuck him.
i think that i need to go swimming. its so not super windy. going to del valle for the day would be fun just to go boating like we used to. i liked it. i should tell my dad and we should go. it would be fun. but im glad i have electricity..running water..and a shower that i dont have to keep pushing and pushing to keep it going..haha ah. the simple things that make my life grand.