Tuesday, September 14, 2004

OneHuGeDoRk: dude
OneHuGeDoRk: sunday is 6 months
OneHuGeDoRk: thats crazy
OneHuGeDoRk: lol
OneHuGeDoRk: u nerd
Yea its teeny: hahahah..i have 1 year next month
OneHuGeDoRk: hey ill catch up to u
OneHuGeDoRk: lol but then again youll be at 1.5*
OneHuGeDoRk: lol
OneHuGeDoRk: shuttup!
OneHuGeDoRk: haha
Yea its teeny: hahahahahah
Yea its teeny: duh krsytle
Yea its teeny: im gonna keep that
OneHuGeDoRk: hahah

*this is where the light bulb turns on in krystles head...

anyways. hhmm. what has happened in the last hour. well, my web cam works..YESS..SCORE!! and yeah i talked to gregory. he's gonna go online soon. cause for his birthday, which was last wednesday. oh yeah..last wednesday i went to go surprise him for his birthday. it was great. he was hekka surprised. then we went to eat at TGIFriday's. which was a hoot and a half. we went with roma, jessica (his sister), ian (his other boyfriend/ best friend), and daniel <--he's a hoot!! but yeah we all were eating and stuff and it was fun. i love visiting him and his friends. theyre fun. but yeah. so my gregory is 20!! oh no!! hahaha. but dont worry. only like..3 months until my birthday. and for his birthday i got him a webcam. cause for my birthday im going to the philippines, and this way we can see eachother on my birthday. it'll be great!!! he loved my gift to him. i also made him a card. aaww. arent i the sweetest thing? haha whatEVA. anyways. yup. i'll post pictures later. but yes. i am the best gift getter there EVER was..bow down to me and worship me like the good gift getter i am..


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