Thursday, December 09, 2004

*sigh* sometimes..things arent worth it..and sometimes..youre the thing that isnt worth it..

well as the time of my last final approaches like an impending doom i take my last..say..20 minutes not to stupidly cram what i know i will not remember into my already fried head, but to reflect on what happened this semester. *sigh* okay..hhmm..started new classes in a new room with kinda new people. but this semester was really new. everyone was spread out..finally immersing themselves in their major classes..not stupid GE's. and yeah its a hard sem. but i start with cheer again, wanna quit, but dont end up doing it. (quitting) things go and greg are okay..for the most part..a little rough..i dunno. =) i lok back and think about what happened..what i accomplished..what i lost..and what i gained. and it looks like a pretty even year. found out felianne was coming back..lost a suitemate..lost a really good friend in bitter cirumstances..gained a great friend katie..thought i was really gonna get to go to the philippines..but found out that the typhoons destroyed many of the places i was gonna go and i prolly maybe wont get to see my lola. its sad. i was reading my subscription to a filipino news website..and it described the damage and the areas..and i cried. its so sad. my mother's family is stranded on their side of the philippines, my dad's side is flooded with landslides..and my lola wont get to see me for another year again. i was really looking forward to seeing her. i had been keeping track of the weather, but i had no idea 2 typhoons in a row would hit, and i obviously had no idea it would hit the eastern coast and practically cut off my lola from me when i get there. its sad. this year is ending on a very sad yet happy note. my losses: a friend and those that are her friends more than they were trip to see my lola for my birthday, my great about joking about getting above a 3.0..sad sad..such a failure i am this semester. i would say that next semester will be different, but why lie? i'll lie to rose, but not to you. anyways..yeah..and tracy moving out. somewhere deep inside i never though she would go. i really misjudged her. and i feel/felt terrible about it. and im really glad i got to talk to her at the end. i regret so many things this semester and not being nice and polite and respectful to people is some of them..then again i have gotten closer with katie which is great. talk about a good influence on me and my grades, i really admire her..and now i have someone to talk about my boyfriend problms with besides ashley!! oh how could i forget ashley..ive gotten a lot closer with her and im so glad i have her as a roommate. she always has my back..ALWAYS!! and she supports me and we talk and giggle and gossip..i love our late night talks and eating..FOOD. =) THE MOST RANDOM PEOPLE EVER..haha..oops! time for my final!!
wow finals are so almost over i cant wait to get out of here and leave the drama. hahaha. yeah CRAZY DRAMA. anyways..i have vented and am over it.
finals..hahaha so yeah..finals..i had those? i forget about them once i finished them. which means i only remember one more!!!! hahahaha..
so working on my application for UCSF..*sigh* denise can you do it for me?? hahaha please!! i promise i'll do good!! i swear. trying to get a job before youre supposed to be allowed to get a hard..
they way i was brought up was like..
my parents told me i shouldnt work while in school. i have enough distractions and responsibilities. and yeah i agree. but some retard (greg) was like but it teached responsibility..and i was like..sure..but so can doing extra curricular activities and he was like but they dont get money..and i said they dont need money thats why they have parents until they can geet a job where they can work for GOOD money..which means more than 10 dollars and hour and more than part time. i dunno. i just think that people who say kids should get a job to learn to prioritize and gain responsibility should get smacked in the head. i personally have awesome..haha if not..okay..time management. i get good..haha okay..decent grades..and i do extra stuff. haha stuff being sleeping inbetween classes. but yeah. i think i turned out fine. and so have other friends who have never had to work. now if they want to work..thats cool. but i wouldnt force my kids into it. point
on top of was SO cold in folsom yesterday that my chest hurt. literally. haha. i was dying..i really am dying. haha. i drove over to folsom..aka el dorado hills to go see greg. then i go to his shouse..then we go to his work and we plann to visit with ian and rey! aaww theyre so cute..i swear..hahaha but ian got in trouble for doing stuff he shouldnt have been doing. and gotcaught by rey!! HAHAHA. NOT REALLY FUNNY. but hilarious..giggly..i dunno. but poor rey was telling me and asking me what i should do and i was like..well..yenno..blah blah blah and i told her stuff and we're funny. haha she was like we're gonna hang out? oh what are you guys going today? and i said we're gonna hang out. and she SCREAMED!! WE'RE GONNA HANG OUT???? YAY!! YAY!! hahaha. it was great. and greg was like..quiet! hahaha oh well. so i go with greg to work..then we go to rey's work..AN ICE CREAM AND CHOCOLATE AND CANDY STORE!!!!!!!!! so we get free ice cream and i become distracted by the factory in the back and all the colors of all the differrent candies. hahahaha. then we wait for her to clean up and we go to mimi's cafe and eat. haha and i had fries of course and chicken tender type things. it was good. and we had a cute double date. aaww..cue sound effects here. rey and ian are so cute. hahaha it was funny. they were feeding eachother and stuff and we were all telling most recents ones the best and most audience captivating by my wonderful impersonations! hahaha ian was lifelike..haha then we all sat and talked and by 10:30 we left the place. then we all said goodbye and stuff. then me n greg drive to hhis house so i can say bye to his fam and i can use their HUGE bathroom. then i say bye and leave. and its like..11..and im driving back..and im so sleepy..haha..almost way!! i am good..but fast..driver..then i get home from his the middle of an hour and a half. yes..i drove..116 miles in an hour and a half..hahaha..maybe less than that. hahaha. but i was okay..everyone else was going that fast anyways. and thats what i did..YESTERDAY!! hahahah...

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARC!!!!!!!!!! wow the immaculate conception. big!! hahahah love you too!! i hope you guys have a great day today and marc..tomorrow. hahaha have many many more happy and wonderful birthdays!!

Monday, December 06, 2004

hmm if i was immature i would talk bad things about people right here on the internet so that the public can see... <--my dont have to read it..
and if i was really immature i would mention specific names and events that can only relate to them, and only them... <--i dont remember mentioning names..yeah i just read through recent names..
but if i was soo immature, like IMMATURE TO THE FREAKING MAXIMUM IMMATURITY LEVEL (cause this phrase right here isnt immature AT ALL), i'd actually talk about people that live in the suite right next to me but wouldn't say anything to their faces and just write it out in my very own internet blog! <--you talked about her too dont forget that! of course i didnt say anything to her face cause that would cause drama..LIKE NOW..
but i am that's enough of that =) <--but i am..and it so isnt enough

word of the day:
n : a person who professes beliefs and opinions that she does not hold [syn: dissembler, phony, phoney, pretender]
okay so i spent the entire afternoon studying..well..half of the time studying and the other half talking with katie. im glad i have a place to study..nice..quite..non-threatening.. yenno? and so yeah thats what i did. im glad i talked to katie. she was telling me problems like yesterday night about her boyfriend and like lying and trust with the and i was talking about my problems with greg too..and how people can lie to your face..poor me and katie..hahah..yenno..when i went into her room to talk..about stuff...hahaha..then i went into mo's room and we all talked..and watched aladdin <- i cannot spell..until like..1AM..then i crashed. nothing else happend..haha i have no idea what other people wanna talk to me about. for all im concerned..all i have to worry about this week is packing and studying. wow im so glad i have nothing except that to worry grades are okay. i am so glad about that. ive been calculating my grades forever. and now im happy cause theres no way any of my finals except promo can really change my grade..well that and micro..haha but micro is hopeless. im glad that i only have those to worry about. and nothing first final is tomorrow. and after tuesday i really dont have ANYTHING TO WORRY ABOUT ANYMORE. *sigh* i love my life!!
hhmm..this weekend. what did i do. i played with katie most of the time..haha..I FELT LIKE CRAP ON SATURDAY!! i had a stomach ache and migrane. haha sometime greg you make me physically ill. but tis okay now. we talked and stuff which was nice and good. we talked baout a lot of things in our relationship and stuff. it was good. and i think long overdue. hahaha. okay what else happened. went to cheer at a basketball was fun..we won..DUH!! that was good. i think i told you all this already! okay yesterday we went to TODAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG i love that. it was so good. haha hung out with jaena, chano, rino, and the family, the babies are SO CUTE!! haha too bad quel spilled water ALL over herself. haha and poor chelle had a fever. anyways. we ate in daly city, i talked to my cousin denise on the phone, we caught up. that was nice. then we drove back to DU. after that me n greg talked. long time..but i was sleepy and we slept. then i woke up in the middle of the night and we talked more. oh btw...I GOT THE SHREK 2 CD!! AND THE 13 GOING ON 30 SOUNDTRACK!!!!!! i love it. greg hates it cause it annoys him when i sing and dance to i wanna dance with somebody in that car...haha then today we both slept in until 2pm!!! but my mom called me at like 9AM!! i was SLEEPING!! jeez..haha. then we woke up and talked more. then we had to get ready to go to dinner with his familyin folsom for jess's birthday. so we drove and yeah. and we ate at chili's. it was good. then we all talked and had dessert. then we drove back..some ol same ol. then i heard some disturbing news. you two-face liar!! HAHA its quite laughable actually. can you teach me to act innocent like that? i might need to know how to do that to lie my way through something. haha doesnt matter. cause i told many a people..hahaha or did i? i dunno..maybe im LYING!!! you know what that is dont you?
anyays back to things that make me happy. im going to the philippines in...9 days!! and my birthday is in...20 days..and finals are over in..4 days. haha then no more dealing with the bullshit called school. and yenno. thinking of that really makes me smile cause, really, im finished with school and stuff. really now. im amazed that this semester is over..GEEZ!! haha this was a long drawn out semester and ugly as hell. haha. curiously went by kinda fast.