Wednesday, February 28, 2007


im so unproductive today that i'm blogging..haha...

today i had class..a midterm actually in religion. it was okay. i hope i get an okay grade, i actually don't care too much. im over school. nothing will help my GPA..since they only freaking count 7 semesters... so therefor i will not try anymore...

i hung out with rob at was stupid. then we went to campus to go to the library and i tutored while he went on the computers. haha then i bothered him and we did the nclex practice tests together. i think too much..way too much..

then i went home and downloaded music. it was fun. and thats what ive been doing for the past hours. i feel firmly in the fact that i will keep my self so busy that i wont feel the need or the urge or the necessity to call greg. its this new relaxation thing that i'm's actually me trying to complete myself because i apparently am not a whole person. so to complete myself i need to not be dependent on talking to him or caring whether he calls me...essentially i need my own life that does not revolve around him is what he tells me. so i'm planning on going to gym tonight.

also, i am very fat. i have gaine 6 pounds and i am a huge heifer and cannot even fit into the baggiest of sweats. i had to buy new sweats cause my old ones did not fit me. i am a big fat fatty...i need to go on a diet. a huge diet. cause i am so fat. or i should just get fat and have surgery..that would be so much easier..

i should be reading NCLEX and ATI, but i'm so unmotivated...i suck. i really hate school because i can't even get a medal for honors cause they only count 7 semesters..i hate should die...

also, tomorrow i'm meeting with my preceptor for PCRC. i'm really excited and i cannot wait to start clinicals. hopefully i can start this weekend. i have NOTHING to do during spring break basically anyways. but i do have a lunch date planned on saturday with my love (guess who!!!!!). hahaha i havent seen him in so long. this will be fun. i wonder where we will eat. hahahaha. this means i probably will need to take a shower..hahah probably more than a shower. again, i am so fat that i have no desire to look good because i am fat and ugly and a huge huge cow...

*sigh* oh goes i get wider and softer...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

when you should call

top reasons when you should call your girlfriend:

1. if she calls you all the time and suddenly doesn't
2. when she hangs up on you for no apparent reason
3. when she seems distant after you've made up after a fight
4. when you think about her and you have a few minutes to talk
5. when you remember a funny story about your relationship and want to tell her
6. when you're sorry
7. when you're late
8. when you're supposed to
9. when you can
10. when she can't or when she won't
11. right now as you are reading this...