Thursday, June 29, 2006


i'm still itchy. man. i thought the itchy-ness would be over by now. wow i'm so glad my life is so bothered by the fact that i'm itchy. maybe i should go to a might be some sort of contagious crazy rash disease. one can only hope... haha. today we were in the cafeteria at chabot and i wanted to sit like on my leg so that i couldnt be directly sitting on the chair, so ilaid my heel on the side of the chair first but i forgot the chairs were like lower than i had thought, and i was like. oh crap i didnt know that the chair was that low. then krystle's brother mark started laughing ayt me say..ahah and you're hekka tall too. i was like damn yeah if i was short i wouldnt have had such a long fall..hahah. then the brother and sister duo, mark and krystle, began studying for stats. it was funny cause mark was like..ask me anything from chapters 1,2,3. and krystle would ask him a question then he would be like i dont know what, ask me an easier one. why are you asking me the hard ones.
then they were talking about ceating and mark said krys would prolly be shady and cover her answers, and krystle and i were joking about how she brought her own anti cheating shield with mirrors on the outside so when people would look at it they'd try to cheat but they were looking at themselves and be like..damn..they didnt even write anything on their test..oh shoot..he's trying to cheat off of me, stupid fool, man his test is hella blank, hes not gonna cheat off of me. hahaha it was sssoo funny. mark thought we were crazy, but i thought we were funny..hahaha
i remember when i was in high school i used to 'date' andrew from swimming..HAHAHAH. oh man. i should call yasmin. she'd remember. "if you guys are going out then why dont you kiss??" poor michael lau. hahahaha. so so jealous. haha aaww man i had some good times on the swim team. hahaha. i wonder where that guy is now. hahah. i need to take a shower. im sticky cause i took a nap today. it was so hot. hahah.
family guy today was uper funny. i should be doing my homework...

Monday, June 26, 2006

religion class

i cant even describe the humiliation i have to go through to be able to sit down in that class..quietly..without shooting someone in the head with a shot gun. i'm lucky i have krystle to share this experience with. you should just read her entry. its just about what i would write anyways..why waste my time and develop carpal-tunnel sundrome?

but she did forget the part about..dang i forgot what it was..oh well..maybe later.