Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Repetitio est mater studiorum

sure sure it is..anyways.. haha i guess i read all the pharmacology notes over and over. so i guess that counts. bored out of my mind i am. got out of class early from the test. it wasnt too bad. kinda confusing like the answers didnt fit the questions and stuff. but who knows..i'll be happy with a B. but whatever, the next test should be LOADS harder. and next week we have another test in health restoration. i am so not looking forward to that. love it though. not at all. hhmm. well..this morning at about 4 i woke up and couldnt sleep..and some asshole called my cell phone at like..6:16 am!! but i didnt really fall back asleep until about 6:30. then i woke up for breakfast and i'd like to announce to the world that i am on my period. i am irritable and leave me alone. heheheh. i will lash out and use my period as an excuse. so anyways. then i went to ethics. i love that class. its fun. too bad i cant minor in ethics. oh well. then back to the room for a nap and after for pharm with katie. then lunch..then scan tron buying. woot..double woot. hahaha. then test..hahah.. it really only took 45 min but i was guessing a lot. i hope i did okay. and at 3:40 i have advanced writing and research where we're doing an i class essay. FUN FUN STUFF!!!! euck i hate essay writing. theres only one more thing i hate more than writing..its writing for a class that i hate. so after that is mass at 6:00pm and then no more meat or soda!! lovin it. man. im boring. so sorry loves..haha if i were interesting things would be fun. but this semester is BORING!!!!!!!!!!! no real classes cause they all suck..except ethics..LOVE PRESTON!! hahaha okay thats enough..

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

OH! Wonderful Day!

wonderful wonderful. ate breakfast with kate and then went to the most boring class EVER, health restoration I. btw why take a picture of our door and put it on your my space-y thing or whatever. i cant see it, someone told me, i dunno whats there. no one cares. and did you think i was gonna make you one, was i supposed to? and should i have? cause you didnt wanna be my friend. so i thought i was off the hook for doing anything for you. but thats okay. cause im more baffled that you care. cause its obivous that you do..dun dun dun..
okay anyways back to my day: which was boring...then i ate lunch, i had a grilled cheese sandwich, it was good. then i asked mo if she was going to the 6pm mass cause i was going to it too and denise too. then i dunno i went back to finish my care plan. so yeah my asthma patient was allowable, but i dunno, i'll see if i get another good one. then yeah i gave it to katie to turn it in and blah. then i talked to my love on the phone and stuff, but ash was taking a nap so i had to be quiet. long story short, i learned a new dance in cheer practice today and it was all fun fun fun. sweating like a banchee but yenno..its okay. and now i am currently conning kamee into buying me food. love those girls.
BTW!! yesterday the love of my life came ot visit me as a surprise!! oh how i love him so!! wonderful wonderful surprise it was!! he picked me up from class and we got PIZZA!!! then i shared it with ash and holly. and we all talked. but then at 8 my love had to leave. it was sad. but i love him dearly. my poor love. and then ashley was acting a bit drunk and walking around naked after her shower. and it was all good. haha. then yeah. but i love greg! he's the most wonderful person ever.
p.s. giving up for up for lent...
i am gicing up dark soda, swearing, meat, and who knows what else? i dunno. but i dont eat much candy. so i think i'll give up not doing homework on time, procrastinating, things like that. hopefully it works out. the food part does. and i'm gonna try to work out, or at least go jogging. i feel fat. but i know im not cause i dont sit on my ass all day. but yeah. okay well gonna take a shower. LOVE YOU!!

Monday, February 07, 2005

ive decided that i am going to take up a minor, a psych minor to be exact. it should be too bad. i mean i only have like 13 units next semester and i'll do summer school and stuff. but yeah. i decided today when i found out that i love being competitive. and i love the edge. if this'll give me any edge into getting into UCSF for grad school hell yeah then. i have higher aspirations for me. i was talking to my mom and she told me to go to grad school cause she knows i can do it. and its really empowering to know that your mom loves you and thinks that youre smart enough for even higher education. i wanna do more than just be a nurse. i want to..i dunno. i just had one of those days where i had a lot of time to think..and i think i can do more. hopefully my mom is right. i mean im doing really well..not THE BEST in college, but no D's or F's, no withdrawn classes, no drops, its looking good. but who knows in the next two years..i may be put in jail for killing someone..or assault or battery..which is very possible in my temper state right now. hahaha. just kidding.
i love the kelly clarkson still listening to it. its me n katie's clinical CD..which i should be working on a care plan..but not going to =) eh it'll get done..hahaha which is the mentality of slackers..which today..i am allowing myself to be one.
my mom came back from washington DC today. she was visiting my sister who's an army nurse. haha we were both complaining about how hard stupid care plans are. but she helped me do my other one..haha 8.4!!! not bad..considering i had NO idea what i was doing. love it. hahahaha wow. its decent. i can do better. but i was so surprised i thought i was gonna die with this one. man..freaking katie got a 9.4 oh that gurl!!! hahaha. but shes a genius. so eh haha.
oh at clinical i gave an insuil shot. FUN FUN. scary as hell. but thats over it..haha new saying of the year (thanks to kamee) "dont get mad. im over it" haha she says it ALL the time in cheer. dont get over it..hahaha..learning a dance or somehting. hahaha classic. love it!! amazing!! haha so yeah if you hear me saying it..thank kamee..well thats it..but..
THIZZ IS WHAT IT IS!! hahahha..if you were marquez you'd get that..but most of you are probably therefore..its just there!!!

FAFSA sucks

*sigh* i finished applying for FAFSA even though i know my parents will change EVERYTHING and that i wont get any money from the government because i go to a private college and my sister did and my little sister goes to a private high school..shoot shes paying about half as much as i have to pay for college. hhmm..really? should moreau be like 12,000? paying for the name on the college application. sad sad. look where it got me. in a school where if you have money and a total of 4 brain synapses a day you can get in. i admit there are very smart people here, for example my lovely roommate, but very few of those exist. there are those who just get in cause their high school was shit. it makes me mad cause so many more people are smarter than you and more deserving of grants and stuff, but because you either went to a prestigious high school or were from the depths of the ghetto and they felt bad or had lots of money to waste you were allowed to go here. it makes me angry because its so hard for my family to afford anything..especially send me to this school.. and people who suck and are just rich but getting sucky ass grades can breeze by! or are even allowed to still go here!!! but just casue my parents send my sisters and i to good private school we have to pay over $20,00 out of pocket for JUST ME to go to school here. nice..people who are stupid shouldnt get scholarships..or have lots of money. although i have to admit..its very funny to watch paris hilton..shes definitly not the brightest crayon on the box. but shes good for a laugh...*sigh* i hate people. but im not gonna get mad. im over it..