Friday, July 25, 2003

blah blah blah..nothing interesting happened today..except that my car is broken and i had to take my mother to work and stuff so i didnt get to go to the beach..but i was supposed to take my cousins and her boyfriend to the bart station..shoot..i hekka dont like her boyfriedn..he wasnt even ready when we got there..and i was already late picking up maryann..shoot..HELLO..if someone offers to fucking take you places you get ready on time!! he was hella naked and i was like you idiot..freaking we left him..whateva..oh..this morning i worked out..cause i forgot to last night..shoot..and now my back hurts..i thought it was supposed to strengthen muscles!! not make them hella hurt..hahaha..but thatsmy bad..i thinki overdid it..cause ive been working out because i getting wider..cause im not gonna get im getting wider..around the hip area..and leg area and posterior area..i look at my thighs in the mirrow and am like..yuck..i used to be fit and had a nice body..but now i only look nice when i wear a large skirt to cover the large posterior i posses..*sigh* yeah..then i went to go pick up my mom and we bought my little sisters book for summer reading..i read it..its okay..i wish it went on a little bit was only like..350 pages..and it only took me like..3 hours..not bad..i need to learn to read faster though..gotta learn to cram in college..tomorrow we're going to manteca waterslides..i dunno'll be crap boring..i guess..i dont even want to wear a bathing huge..and it hurts me inside..haha just kidding..i weigh myself every morning and every night..hahaha..its quite sad..when i look at the numbers..i try to play in the park and work out and not eat a lot..but hey..i get hungry..oh doomed to be huge forever..and ever and ever..and i so cant wait to gain my freshmen fifteen..woohoo..what'll i weigh then..uumm..200? just kidding..i used to not care because i had a nice body..then i got HUGE and i think about it and i try not to wear shorts unless they cover my posterior well..but whatever..people only liked me for my body kinda hurts cause i know if i didnt used to have a nice figure then a lot of people wouldnt like me..hhmm..i have like..a 5 days until my aunt comes from the philippines..then i have the picnic on the 2nd..then on like..the 6th or something we're going to las vegas cause im getting i havent met the guy yet..but im hoping to meet hom on the way there..hahaha..i think i told that joke to hoh..oh yeah i talked to him for awhile the last couple of days..hahaha..we're funny..we talk and whatever and its funny..heheh he's getting his wisdom teeth taken out..hahaha..okay back to the rest of my summer..after las vegas we might drive down to san diego..i hope so..i havent been there in months..i love swimming in the ocean..its so warm there..then antony has like another retreat or camp..then nicole's birthday..whichever comes first..i dunno..hahaha..then i move in..i move still really hasnt sunk in..i still need shower caddy for my shampoo and conditioner..shoot i have to pick up my pictures from wal*mart..what else..i need sweaters too..but i guess i can get those later..

Thursday, July 24, 2003

speaking of stupid shit..whatever..fucking argh..stupid crap i cant am i supposed to know how the hell fucking pin numbers and banks and crap do i know all only 17!! eerr..gosh blah..okay my mom had me apply for the loan..but i had to do it online..and something went wrong with like co-signers and crap..and like she made me feel hella stupid and so did the fucking bank lady on the i didnt know what the fuck i was doing..i got so fucking mad i was the hell do you expect me to do that??? whatever.. blah..and then people being stupid..argh..whatever..and i was hekka yelling and crying and i felt stupid and drained and nothing that night helped..i was so sad and i cried and it hurt and i was sad and fucking shit why the fuck am i typing this shit out? im pretty sure only like 4 people read this..and iprobably could tell them..and you probably dont even know what the fuck im talking this is all bullshit..this is all in vain..people were being fuck whateva fools.. obviously whatever you want is whatevers gonna happen..
today was boyfriend to have to call..not that i dont enjoy our talks..haha..but yeah..uumm..i brought maryann to school..i worked out for 20 minutes and i tried to clean alittle..then i picked maryann up again and we went home to do chores..i cleaned the kitchen..did the dishes..while maryann washed the car and raked leaves in the front took me like 2 hours to mop and sweep and vacuum the salas in the house..jeez..yeah then i went to go take christina to her job training.. hehehe..she works at babies r us...i got to her house at about 1:30 pm and i chatted it up a bit..we watched the caroline rhea show and andy dick was on..i took a tiny 2 second nap in her room while she got ready..her bed is hekka comfy!! shoot..yeah so then i dropped her off..came back home..and started to clean such a good daughter..not at all..then mandy called! yay mandy! we had a talk..yenno..compared how our lives were going..w'ere hekka the same mandy and i.. we went to pick up jaena and jackie to bring maryann to her ortho appointment..and we waited..then we went to the park..jaena's ex boyfriend tam and his friends were there..hella making fun of us..cause we're all grown girls playing on the teeter-totter and like laughing hella hard..we were crazy..then we played tennis..we suck hella bad..and we went to go fly heather..the butterfly kite..and we hekka were throwing tennis balls at was funny..and we were doing cartwheels..etc..etc..then when we got home we played mad gab..and tried to play the holding your breath game..but we kept laughing..stupid retards..hahah and yeah..then we wrnt go get pizza and kept changing parking spots so jaena wouldnt find us.she got hekka scurred..then i brought them home..and now im watching ER

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

hahah havent blogged in a long time..well..lets see what happened..okay..well when we were at chruch while the priest was giving his homily he started out by saying turn to your neighbor and greet them good morning brother..and at the same time i turn to maryann and say 'good morning brother' before the priest can say..or sister...HAHAHA..that was great..then we went to bonfante gardens..the most boring place in the world..hahah..shoot..the only asian people there!! everyone was white or mexican..rides for like..7 year olds..and it was hekka hot and stupid..haha..then we went to gilroy and i went shopping..kinda..i got like a jacket and like shoes and a bathing suit and shorts..but thats it..then we went home..then on monday..we went to the park and played tennis..but before that i picked up christina at ohlone and we went to tapioca was fun..then i dropped her off and then i went home..and we went to the park..uumm..hella holler..jeez..people just like looking at girl's legs huh? i guess its okay..but do you have to yell? at me? or my cousins? okay tennis courts and the park..jeez..hella guys be hanging around..ahahah..losers..then uumm..when we were driving to drop off the children this guy was hella slowing down to see who i was..then he was revving his engine at stuff..haha then today..uumm..i woke up..dropped maryann off..went to see the babies..took jaena and jackie to pick maryann up..when to the doctor's with antony..stupid people..i went to UC first..then hayward..and we say krystle..and we talked a bit..then we left krystle to find her grandmother..then i went to the dungeon to get the shots..and i could only get blood taken out..not the i was like..forget we left..and i dropped antony off..dude..i was HELLA like..wooho.woozy and dizzy and outta it..cause was hot..i had blood taken hekka hurt..cause they kept getting vial after vial..and then after 2 i just stopped looking.i dont think ive ever gotten that much blood taken out..i was scared driving home..cause i kinda got mad when i was leaving..and so my blood was hekka pumpung..but made it worse and i felt all light headed and woozy..and i got home..changed..and passed out..literally..i passed out on my mom's bed..i changed..and i went to my moms room..and i was sitting there..and i stood up hekka quick..and i passed out for like..1.5 hours..when i woke up i had a massive head ache..and everything was all heavy..i dunno..i guess cause well..i was having a girl week..haha..i try not to say that i was in the week after ovulating..cause guys might read this..and i was already losing blood but sshh..dont tell my mom..she'll get all nurse-like and mommyish on me..okay so we're at the park and playing tennis and yeahwe suck..pretty bad..then we flew the kite..and went on the teeter totter..and i hurt my arm..i got a blood bruise..and my hip hurts and my knee hurts from pushing them on the stupid thing and yeah..thats it..oh we went to in and out and baskin robbins..nothing interesting..okay..