Wednesday, September 01, 2004

okay so apparently we have to do breast exams in health assessment. but wait, you havent heard the best part. on eachother. and me and regina and katie were like oh no, you guys and denise are not doing breast exams on me. im so self concious about my chest though. like literally. like the only other person besides me that has seen my chest are my doctors. hahah. but yeah. if you've been looking at my profile for my AIM you would see my interesting quotes. i just keep having breast exams done. its amazing. haha. but obviously im okay, but they wanna make sure..haha..and feel up on me..oh no. but anyways. im still sick..waking up with crazy sore throats and no voice. but yeah.nothing new right? haha im always sick.
well last night me and ashley had a great like 3 hour conversation. we talked about everything ever. and it was nice and i love her to death. shes so great and talk to me like im a grown up. hahaha. but yeah i tell her practically everything that i wouldnt tell anyone. cause i know she wouldnt tell cause we each have our share of different friends and happen to not really bump into eachother besides that. thats how good oommates go, theyre really good friends, but not around eachother 473289 hours a day. if thats possible. but yeah so i was super tired today in class, but thats okay.
what else. i love greg. haha. i dunno if youre reading this retard. haha. funny! but if youre my sisters or my family get over it. haha and dont tell my parents. haha. they'll kill me for sure.
so what else. failed 3 quizzes in the past 2 daysl. at least we;re being consistent as katie says. haha. but yeah..oh no..thats gonna start to suck soon. but yeah! its still super hot here.
im slowly getting used to lectures..feeling out how teachers are. OMG my teacher Tina Lemos hella reminds me of Ms. Gee!! its crazy. they talk the same and looks the same, except shes white. and they walk the same and have the same build. and if you know who Ms. Gee is, you'll know how terrified and humored i am. its funny. haha she acts almost exactly like her. i really wouldnt know seeing as i havent been to class cause i went to the doctor's office. dang.
so the doctor. yeah. ouch. pain. new meds. not bad. makes me SUPER hungry though, im supposed to gain weight from it..DAMNIT. oh well. greg said he wouldnt like me if i got fat. aha..i'll show him. hahaha. but yeah.
oh yesterday i had a great talk with nicole about everything. me and her. we're so cool. and alyze too. we're amazingly funny and interesting and alike. so yeah i just woke up from a nap and now i gotta go and buy medicine for my throat and stuff..


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