Wednesday, September 01, 2004

so i took a nap earlier. for 2 hours. then because i was asleep i didnt go to dinner. then i woke up all groggy with a sleeping headache and sore throat and coughing and nausea and a fever i swear. but yeah. haha when am i not complaining. but dont get me wrong i love school. thats awesome. i just thought about it. and i'm starting to really take care of patients in 1 month. i am actually on my way to becoming a nurse. it really just hit me as i was talking to my suitemate regina. yup yup. i'm a soph nursing major. i have 35.5 units from last year. and i have 14 units this sem, and im taking 17 next semester. and next semseter i'm hoping to work as the UCSF medical center as a nurse's assistant. that would be good.
i know other people opted for the long way to nursing and thats all good. but im glad i wanted this way. basically pay my way into clinicals. but its a sacrifice that i'm willing to take right now. all the debts will be paid off within 2 years! 4 years in my nursing program vs 6 in other programs. im not saying im better..hell no. i know other state schools are so much better or whatever, but, its amazing. im only 18 and i already get this experience. its great.
and i like the environment, even though its small. so who cares? i dont. so what if youre lecture classes have 473289 students. are you really getting real world experience like that? is that making you a better person? is it making you better equipped for the real world? i dunno. having all my classes planned out for me to choose times from is really good. i'm getting structured classes that i really need, not bullshit ones like ethics or intro to politics or govt. cause i dont need those. i'm getting trainning. so in your face hoh. =)
but yeah. you should all see my kick ass dorm room. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and a living room. no kitchen though. but thats okay cause we all buy food or eat in the dining hall. its great. and the teachers are really nice. i'm happy where i am. only 2.75 years to go =)
hhmm what else. i took a shower and it felt good cause i felt nice and clean. the weather is so nice here. sunny and hot and cold at night. its great. i have micro lab tomorrow at 10:45AM-1:15PM its my only late morning class. all my others start at 8:00AM or earlier. gotta love it.


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