Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Repetitio est mater studiorum

sure sure it is..anyways.. haha i guess i read all the pharmacology notes over and over. so i guess that counts. bored out of my mind i am. got out of class early from the test. it wasnt too bad. kinda confusing like the answers didnt fit the questions and stuff. but who knows..i'll be happy with a B. but whatever, the next test should be LOADS harder. and next week we have another test in health restoration. i am so not looking forward to that. love it though. not at all. hhmm. well..this morning at about 4 i woke up and couldnt sleep..and some asshole called my cell phone at like..6:16 am!! but i didnt really fall back asleep until about 6:30. then i woke up for breakfast and i'd like to announce to the world that i am on my period. i am irritable and leave me alone. heheheh. i will lash out and use my period as an excuse. so anyways. then i went to ethics. i love that class. its fun. too bad i cant minor in ethics. oh well. then back to the room for a nap and after for pharm with katie. then lunch..then scan tron buying. woot..double woot. hahaha. then test..hahah.. it really only took 45 min but i was guessing a lot. i hope i did okay. and at 3:40 i have advanced writing and research where we're doing an i class essay. FUN FUN STUFF!!!! euck i hate essay writing. theres only one more thing i hate more than writing..its writing for a class that i hate. so after that is mass at 6:00pm and then no more meat or soda!! lovin it. man. im boring. so sorry loves..haha if i were interesting things would be fun. but this semester is BORING!!!!!!!!!!! no real classes cause they all suck..except ethics..LOVE PRESTON!! hahaha okay thats enough..


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