Thursday, March 15, 2007

shopping sucks

okay, i know i wasn;t the only one who felt completely discouraged after the job fair. so many places didn;t have recruiters there, only random people to hold down the fort, and places that did said their new grad programs were full and had waiting lists miles long. i for one feel defeated and spent the whole rest of today freaking out and frantically applying online. but is it supposed to be that way? i'm so confused and everything. is it always like this? hahah i know i'm new at this, but we all were thinking that everything was full and that we were never going to find jobs..ever.. or at least not until next year. and i'm sad. hahaha.
oh and some lady we went to asked what school we went to and we said dominican and she got all forceful and kept asking if our school was accredited because last time she checked it wasnt and that they only hire nurses from accredited schools. i personally wanted to punch her and run out crying because i felt like my school was crap because no hospital wants us, and i dont know. maybe its just anxiety. but any words of wisdom or tips would help me..greatly..and be greatly appreciated.


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