Friday, May 19, 2006

"oh kelly"

haha as krystle would say..oh kelly..haha ive seen her music video like a kadrillion time today..haha. lets i took maryann to school, came back home..slept for more hours than id like to tell you and ate cereal and 1.5 whole pizzas...haha and 2 cans of pepsi and a cup of apple juice...oh and chips..cant forget the chips. its really my mothers fault. my calves hurt so bad form dance so i didnt walk on the treadmill today. haha yeah i know.. waaahhh my calves hurt, im not gonna go walking...haha well, they hurt a lot, chaine, jete, leap, chaisse?, i have no idea, flick, kick, turn, hips, bam. i dunno. haha its a lot to remember. hahaha i think i can do it. it'll be okay. then i watched tv and did nothing. i also took another nap and watched tv, oh wait i said that already. so much time on my hands. sucha boring life i lead. oh i took a shower, it was like 45 minutes long cause the hot water felt good on my legs. haha. then we prayed. but my dad kinda messed up while praying and we were all hekka laughing. i have topack for hawaii. luckily im gonna get my period this week so i wont have it during hawaii, wonderful timing on my part. go biological clock. i really like the new shakira song. i dont know why i said that. im just waiting for my laundry to get finished. then i have to keep cleaning my room. i still have 1.5 suitcases from school that i have not unpacked yet. it wont take too long. kinda dropped my cell behind the bed. its either off or on silent, and i really dont care. cause its just too far for me to get, it really is. tomorrow its gonna rain again. it was so so so so cold today. i was sad. okay back to cleaning...


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