Thursday, December 09, 2004

*sigh* sometimes..things arent worth it..and sometimes..youre the thing that isnt worth it..

well as the time of my last final approaches like an impending doom i take my last..say..20 minutes not to stupidly cram what i know i will not remember into my already fried head, but to reflect on what happened this semester. *sigh* okay..hhmm..started new classes in a new room with kinda new people. but this semester was really new. everyone was spread out..finally immersing themselves in their major classes..not stupid GE's. and yeah its a hard sem. but i start with cheer again, wanna quit, but dont end up doing it. (quitting) things go and greg are okay..for the most part..a little rough..i dunno. =) i lok back and think about what happened..what i accomplished..what i lost..and what i gained. and it looks like a pretty even year. found out felianne was coming back..lost a suitemate..lost a really good friend in bitter cirumstances..gained a great friend katie..thought i was really gonna get to go to the philippines..but found out that the typhoons destroyed many of the places i was gonna go and i prolly maybe wont get to see my lola. its sad. i was reading my subscription to a filipino news website..and it described the damage and the areas..and i cried. its so sad. my mother's family is stranded on their side of the philippines, my dad's side is flooded with landslides..and my lola wont get to see me for another year again. i was really looking forward to seeing her. i had been keeping track of the weather, but i had no idea 2 typhoons in a row would hit, and i obviously had no idea it would hit the eastern coast and practically cut off my lola from me when i get there. its sad. this year is ending on a very sad yet happy note. my losses: a friend and those that are her friends more than they were trip to see my lola for my birthday, my great about joking about getting above a 3.0..sad sad..such a failure i am this semester. i would say that next semester will be different, but why lie? i'll lie to rose, but not to you. anyways..yeah..and tracy moving out. somewhere deep inside i never though she would go. i really misjudged her. and i feel/felt terrible about it. and im really glad i got to talk to her at the end. i regret so many things this semester and not being nice and polite and respectful to people is some of them..then again i have gotten closer with katie which is great. talk about a good influence on me and my grades, i really admire her..and now i have someone to talk about my boyfriend problms with besides ashley!! oh how could i forget ashley..ive gotten a lot closer with her and im so glad i have her as a roommate. she always has my back..ALWAYS!! and she supports me and we talk and giggle and gossip..i love our late night talks and eating..FOOD. =) THE MOST RANDOM PEOPLE EVER..haha..oops! time for my final!!


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