Thursday, July 24, 2003

speaking of stupid shit..whatever..fucking argh..stupid crap i cant am i supposed to know how the hell fucking pin numbers and banks and crap do i know all only 17!! eerr..gosh blah..okay my mom had me apply for the loan..but i had to do it online..and something went wrong with like co-signers and crap..and like she made me feel hella stupid and so did the fucking bank lady on the i didnt know what the fuck i was doing..i got so fucking mad i was the hell do you expect me to do that??? whatever.. blah..and then people being stupid..argh..whatever..and i was hekka yelling and crying and i felt stupid and drained and nothing that night helped..i was so sad and i cried and it hurt and i was sad and fucking shit why the fuck am i typing this shit out? im pretty sure only like 4 people read this..and iprobably could tell them..and you probably dont even know what the fuck im talking this is all bullshit..this is all in vain..people were being fuck whateva fools.. obviously whatever you want is whatevers gonna happen..


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