Tuesday, November 20, 2007


well as i predicted..i failed NRP, not really..haha i failed one of the 9 sections (i was only one question off) the whole test was like..150 questions..

this is what happened..
0800 sign in, introductions, itinerary
0830 watch "mega code" video
0900 take NRP certification test (150 questions, 9 sections)[mind you i only read sections 1-3 which are the basics that i already knew from BLS]
1000 test correction
1005 re-take section 5 INTUBATION which nurses do not do, only assist with..which is stupid that i have to know...
1010 finally pass NRP written portion
1010-1100 break
1100 practical portion which is basically running your own code in the delivery room. so we warmed, suctioned, and stimulated the baby, but they're still blue, intubate the baby, give epinephrine, survanta, etc through the ET tube with the right concentrations and the right dosages based on gestation age and weight. then do chest compressions and keep bagging and listen and still your damn newborn has meconium everywhere!! then you have to help insert a UVC and yeah then give epi through that (also based on weight and gestational age) then remember to have a flush and assess and keep bagging and chest compressions, only to realize that your baby is not responding to the epi and still dusky..why? WHY? you ask? because..they never told you, but your baby's HR is only 80 despite 3 turns of epi because s/he has a CONGENITAL HEART DEFECT THAT WAS NOT FOUND ON THE ULTRASOUND AND THE MURMUR IS ONLY PRESENT AFTER THE FIRST FEW MINUTES OF LIFE!!! which, by the way, the whole scenario happens in like..oh..7-10 minutes..all of it. so everything must be ready and drawn up etc etc. so its like 4 people and if its a 28 weeker or less, we have an RT there as well..so its even MORE people. and you have to do each role correctly, nurse 1,2,3, DR, and RT. its kinda gay. but unorganized and stuff. so yeah. crazy. but i passed. luckily. but i guess i have more in my mind than i thought...kind of exciting..


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