Monday, August 04, 2003

'thats all it is, thats all it was, thats all it ever could be...'

god i cant think..i dont know what to do..everything is stupid..only 2 more can make it..only 2 more weeks..i dont know whether im happy or what..things are..difficult..i thought i was happy..but i was happy before..and i sacrificed so much to become happy..but at the expense of so much emotion.. so many things that mattered..but i didnt matter..and well..i wanted to make it work because i thought this could replace it..but it hasnt and ive been blind to it because i wanted my sacrifices to be worth it and not just on an impulse..i thought i could be right..just this once..but it turns out im never always every sense and everytime..what i didnt want to happened did..i tried to reassure myself many times about this..and the answer was always yes..this is right..this is what you should be doing..youre okay..but not this time..this time im dying inside because i cant figure it out..i cant seem to understand whats wrong..what did i do wrong..and how do i fix it..maybe there is no fixing revelation was so shocking to me..and i said it out of anger..but words of anger are sometimes words of truth..only to be let out in times where nothing but blind rage and emotion are the keys which open yourself..your the answers..i know i sound hella gay and stupid..but its true..i never let anything go..and its tearing me apart..tomorrow i hope it will all be over..but i tried so hard to make it my efforts mean nothing? was everything in vain? am i that stupid and blind..god damn it..someone tell me if im doing the right thing..someone make a decision because it nothing will happen without one..someone tell me what to do..if you know what im talking about..because i sure as hell dont know what to do..lets keep my mind off of these stupid's my schedule until i move in..if you see an opening and want to hang out..just call me or e-mail me..please..

4: uumm..get RV ready for Las Vegas trip and pack!post office too..
5: hopefully go to the beach with my friends and get my mind off of stuff
6: Las Vegas here i come!!
7: still in vegas..i think im gonna think about my relationship with different people during my trip..
8: still in vegas
9: still in vegas..claire's birthday party..sorry i couldnt go hun!
10: driving back from vegas..hope i got you something..hope i fugured things out
11: *DANCE CAMP 9-4..yay.hopefully being with the old crew will help me..
12: *DANCE CAMP 9-4..i love floor!! i should start packing today..yasmin's potluck @ lake elizabeth
13: doctors appointment @ 10AM..maybe they think im pregnant..AGAIN..haha..oh and..*DANCE CAMP 9-4..dancing gets it all out..maybe i'll call my room-mates today
14: *DANCE CAMP 9-4..wash all laundry stuff i need..keep packing
15: *DANCE CAMP 9-4..keep packing..if i didnt call my room-mates..
16: mah buddy elizabeth's graduation party @ 3pm..YAY..the old dancers..?
17: church? nothing else really..i wonder when nicole's birthday party was supposed to be..prolly yesterday wash dance clothes used during camp so i can wear them again next school supplies?
18: *DANCE CAMP 9-4..keep packing..keep washing..get organized..etc..pack computer
19: *DANCE CAMP 9-4..packing and packing..last minute items bought..pack my dance clothes..
20: MOVE IN DAY!! IM LEAVING @ 7AM!! 'shes leaving home after living alone for so many years..goodbye..' too gone baby!!
21: orientation blah 1st full day in dorm..
22: orientation..blah..
23: supposedly my mother's kaiser work picnic @ walnut creek..swimming..etc..but that might fall through and i might be in like..orientation again..but either way..last day of orientation!!
24: leanna roquelle's baptism party @ contempo hall..

*i dont have to stay the whole time..i mean if you wanna hang out at like..2 or something i can going back so i can have my last memories doing the things i love to dancing and swimming

(so if you want to do one of these things with me or e-mail me and we can plan it and stuff)
1. go i used to..aka sneak know who im talkin to (..not you hoh..)
2. go to the beach..again..and again..and again..and jump in the waves likea little kid
3. walk around lake and christina are gonna do that so if you wanna go with us..
4. go night..again..hahaha..(nope..still not you hoh)
5. play in almost every park where i live
6. go biking through coyote hills..the entire the bridge and through the trails..
7. see the lights up at cal state at night..its so pretty..the veiw is gorgeous
8. watch a and yasmin are gonna watch uptown if you wanna join us..
9. figure out all the crap in my life..haha..please help me do this
10. go shopping for school supplies and dorm stuff and presents..
11. pack..i always need help lifting stuff
12. see all of my friends that went to logan and those who i didnt get to hang out with at moreau last year..


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