Wednesday, July 30, 2003

hhmm..what did i do today..well..i went to drop maryann off..except i threw a fit before i did..then i went back to sleep..then i picked her up.then i cleaned the house..then i forgot i had to go drop off my sabre..sorry gurls! hehehe..dude..i hekka forgot cause i was hekka cleaning cause my aunt came today..and then i went to go see antony real quick before i went to pick up the food..then i passed krystle..hehehe..yay..then i picked up the food..and jackie..and i cleaned more..then i got hella jewelry from the philippines..i got bracelets..beaded bra straps..(i dunno i guess they're gonna be in soon) and earrings..haha hella *bling*bling* if yenno what i mean..and stuf..and like a cell phone light thingie.. hahah..its all good whatever..and i got like..candy and food and stuf..yenno..stuff..pastillias..etc..the usual..we had a mini party from like..when i got home til like cousins rossan..jaena.. jackie..lea..lianna..paulo..libay..maria..her boyfriend art..noel..and my fam..and thats it..oh and my 2 aunties..haha..we saw pictures..etc..and whatever..hhahaha..shoot.. yenno when you take INH youre not supposed take more than one every 24 hours..i hekka keep forgetting so i had to make it up..but sshh.. maybe i told you already..but rather not take it for another whole 9 months worht of that crap..hella horse watching news radio..and beth thinks this guy is in love with her..but she never met him..and shes like..look what i found..cigarettes.."but you dont smoke beth"..yeah i was mad at him for awhile too..but then look what i found..GUM..he's trying to quit..FOR ME!! was hekka funny..cause shes acting like shes met him before.


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