Saturday, August 02, 2003

shoot today was hekka fun!! okay was my family's annual picnic at the marina..anyone who is remotely related to my family or even knows my family went..there were like..60 people there for lunch and games etc..!! okay..ive been going to this thing for like years..i mean..i remember this from when i was about 4 or 5 cause its so memorable..okay i got there at about 11ish cause my dad and aunts went like..4AM to reserve our usual spot..and my mom brought the cooked lumpia we got there and i slept in the RV but my dad told me to eat cause everyone was i ate..then i played with jayda, jalen, and jaden under the blah..then i got bored of them and went to fly heather..the butterfly kite..with jackie and maryann for about an hour..we always have a spot near the we were playing there..and running and i looked like a dork..cause im 17..heheh..and yeah..then i got tired and took a 15 min nap in the RV and someone came in and bit me on the was jackie..she brought jaena and leanna in the RV so we could all play..then jackie left and me and jaena and leanna were in the back of the RV with the big bed and we were eating and talking and playing.and planning strategies to win..then we all went outside to go and play in the park..i took all the kiddies with me cause i was the oldest girl..well..i dunno..but they made we all were playing in the park..and then we came back for the was and jaena are always partners..and we rule..cause we're the oldest girls who play..and our only real competition was like..maryann and the egg toss...jaena sucked and dropped it after like the 3rd toss..i was like..YOU FAILURE!! then we played potatoe sack race..but i couldnt because there was no bag long enough for me...we play games in 3 groups..little kids..teens..and adults..hahah..i couldnt be in any i carried jayda and we ran and pretended to win..then we played tug-o-war..they split me and jaena up and we were like..NNOOO!! so we each had to be captains and pick teams..i picked jackie..jaena picked maryann..and we took all the hella good people..while jaena got the okay people..hahaha..and we kicked butt!! hahaha and we all got a dollar..haha..then we played a rematch against these 4 kids who never go to the picnic but fell like getting their asses whooped! so it was them 4..3 guys and a gurl..all dressed in red..against me and jackie and jaena and maryann..we would have killed them..but my godfather's friend..this white lady..decided she wanted to play too..and she took her fat kids to be on the other side..and we were like..back off..but we had to be we played with them..and we still kicked their butts..and by this time they''re mad..cause and jaena nacj jackie and maryann and their brothers rule ALL the next was the balloon toss..and my and jeana had previously picked a hella small one so we would have a better chance..and it was down to me and jaena and the guy and gurl in red..and they tossed..and it popped on her!! and i wasnt looking and ours pooped after we won..HAHAHA..they were HELLA pissed off..haha they were like..shoot..thats not even fair..alls fair when you suck like that!! hahaha..then was the pinata..which i couldnt play cause i had to bring jayda to the bathroom in the RV and then antony called me..he was at church..and i was in the bathroom..antony on the phone..AND CANDY!! shoot..very difficult i stayed in the RV and talked on the phone for like 3 min..and i was hellaing YOU SAVAGES SAVE SOME FOR ME!! and like..JACKIE!! GET ME SOME CANDY!! jaena got me some..and like..she was like this is hekka old candy..and put it on the bed..then me and libay were talking and she was hekka talking about the old candy..but i was all..candy is candy..and i ate one..haha..then i regretted it..cause i was it bad that this tastes like sour butterscotch? i spit it out..then we ate hot dogs and played in the park again..and we played hot lava tag..which is great.. then all these kids wanted to play with us..and they didnt know how to play so we gave up..then we missed our raffle..and the next pinata was taking so long that me and jaena pretended to like..take she was like stepping on my hand saying hey christine..tie my shoes..i mean slippers..hahah..and jaena had these ties on her pants and she was like..hey tie my pants..while she pretended to untie the pinata..haha..then we were like just giving jaena a piggy back..we're not doing anything!! hahah..then me and jaena decided to go home..i had to drive the truck with the tables in the back..and when we were putting them away there was HELLA spiders and crap and we were like..eeww..then we got home..and watched soul food on TV..then jackie and maryann left to go to the park and play tennis..then i picked them up..libay dropped leanna off at our house..then i bought pizza..and we ate it while watching COPS..and i fed leanna pizza..and then i gave her her bottle and she went to sleep..and i put her down in maryann's room to take a nap..then i took jackie home and came back..and now im watching BUFFY...


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