Friday, August 01, 2003

"nobody likes me, everybody hates me. think i will go eat worms. big ones, teeny ones, see how hey wiggle and squirm. chop off their heads, squeeze out the juice, throw the tails away. nobody knows how i survive. worms 3 times a day!" hahaha my little sister used to sing that song in kinder school and it was hekka funny..i tried to teach lea..but she just doesnt like me. today..i played with the babies..they came over so i could baby sit.. kinda..i was so tired though..i took a fat nap..and i was trying to put baby #2 to sleep..the one that likes me..and she was sitting hekka weird and just drinking her bottle..and then i was like..haha shes i picked her up and let her sleep while i was carrying her..and then i was trying to go and put her on the couch so i could go change and she kept waking i was like..fine baby..hahaha..and i let her sleep..then i tired to move and she woke up so i tried to put herback to sleep but she i let her lie down on my tummy while i was lying down..haha..shes so cute..then i was bringing the other pick up maryann cause she wanted to go..but she started crying in the i was like..aaww its okay honey we're almost there..cause she hella likes maryann and i picked her up when she was sleeping..hahaha so she didnt know WHO she was going she was crying etc..then we went home..and later jackie called and was like..what are you doing? whats chelle doing? etc..and i was like you want me to pick you up jackie? and shes like i was just bout to ask i picked her up and it started to RAIN!! i was like wth? rain? but its hekka hot! and it reminded me of the philippines..and i got sad..cause i love going to the philippines..i wish i could stay for a longer time..i miss it..then i took the nap while the kids were sitting on the bed with me and watching was the miracle show..and i fell asleep..then we were supposed to play tennis but i was sleepy so they walked there..and i woke up and picked them was like 9 yeah..then we watched 101 of the most amazing things taken out of the human was hekka gross!! there was like anchor..a piece of wood..a was hella gross..and number 1 was like this guy being the host of his dead twin..inside his was nasty!! they like took this skeleton type thing out and it was all smashed..and gross..i almost threw was his parasitic brother fetus..A BABY IN A BABY!! hahaha fresh choice..but yeah...then i watched will and grace..then 3rd rock..etc..and now yeah. tomorrow i have a dentist 11..shoot i need to continue working out in the obsessed with my weight and my legs and sure theres some sort of psychological mumbo jumbo that could explain it..but fuck off cause i dont want to hear it..yeah..dont fuck with me online and think its funny..cause its not..people have tried it before..and the consequenses were lets not try that anymore okay? yeah..i dont like it..i hate pisses me off..if i find its you it hurts..then i get irritated..then i get mad..sometimes..i even feel the need to get revenge..then you'll have to suffer the repercussions of what you did..but in a forgiving mood..and i guess its karma for me..but yeah..i hope you had fun..


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