Tuesday, July 29, 2003

blah...i watched TV and ate food..what else is there to do? nothing..i gets to go to moreau tomorrow so i can give jan the sabre and she can give me the book..hehehe..it'll be great..woohoo..fun stuff..oh and..my new favorite quote..hoh told it to me..but i already knew it..and plus he messed it up hella..is: of all the words of mouth and pen..the saddest are..what could have been..*sigh* yeah well i think ive wasted enough time on your ass..if whetever is so great..go for it..but fuck whatever shoot..back up..ive wasted a lot of time on you and i frikkin want it back..but you cant give it to me can you? cause you took it and now its gone..and i want all my pain and memories and emotion back..but wait..you cant give that back either..and most importantly..i want my tears back..you had to go and hurt me and whatever..and you pushed me..you made me do it..well not you..i dont like to give people that much credit when it comes to this..but hey..well..who knew..i mean..ive heard of stabbing in the back..but..wow..you take the frikking cake..hahaha


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