Friday, August 01, 2003

as i was doing my daily reading on pulmonary diseases (genetic and pathogenic alike i dont discrminate) (is pathogenic the right word? i hope so) i came across this information page on isonizad, an antibiotic given as sort of an anti-tuberculosis medication, and just thought i'd share it with ya'll:

What happens if I overdose on INH?
• Seek emergency medical attention.
• Symptoms of an isoniazid overdose include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, slurring of speech, blurred vision, visual hallucinations, seizures, coma, and death.

(hahahaha if you are dead..i think..i think maybe it could probably mean you could have overdosed..just to let you know..but no expert!) haha.. i like reading up on stuff like this..especially when they write up obvious swelling of throat and difficulty breathing persist, stop taking the damn medication..since im never gonna have enough money to go to med school..i pretend i can and pretend im studying..cause all of those other non deserving people out there who get to go to med school and dont even want rich bastards..oh well hahaha quoting from anatomy class "i'd be a crappy doctor..i'd tell some obese gurl she's anorexic..and some anorexic gurl shes chubby and obese..and a bulemic gurl shes fat" HAHAH it wasnt me who said was brian..not me..hahah..whadda guy!

"hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"

this is how i know chelle-bone hates me..heheh..we go through this everytime i want to give her something..this time its candy:

me: whats my name?
chelle: murann..
me: no christine..
chelle: murann..
me: no say christine..
chelle: curstine..
me: yay! okay whats my name..
chelle: murann..
me: ARGH! fine then no candy for dinge!! (like as in dirty..i dunno)
^ at this point im heka frustrated^
me: fine..give ate kiss and hug and you can have it okay?
chelle: daynuh (jaena) murann give candy
*and now im just like..bleh! whatever..*
hahah chelle says hey nockka..which is supposed to be naga..but shes not supposed to say it..but she does..and she gets in shes funny..oh and kaitlyn..the better older niece that likes me is way cuter..but so is kel-kel..they both have curly hair..but kait's is brown..i havent seen her is hekka days..but shes coming like this weekend to see my aunt..she remembers me..but she whispers my name..cause she didnt remember we whispered it to her and now she whispers thats how its supposed to be said..hehe..cutie..


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