Wednesday, July 16, 2003

hahha today was hekka dekka fun..okay..what did i do..uumm..i woke up and ate lucky charms..haha and i had like 2 bowls of it..and what else then i talked on the phone and whatever..oh the other day..yesterday..i talked to mandy on the phone..oh how i miss her..i wish she'd come back we can go buy pizza and go to the beach and talk and have fun..cause well..lets just say we both need a yeah..i talked on the phone..and i ate grapes..and then i went to the park with jaena..we're so not savage anymore..we couldnt even last on the teeter totter or making relay races..hahaha..we're so we decided to go to the park 3 times a week for an hour to go out and play..cause we used to do it everyday..but then we got lives..HAHAH..well she did..i got nothing..and yeah so at the park there were like soccer people..and they took up the field so we didnt get to fly 'heather' the butterfly kite..haha but we did cause we wanted to..and then all these kids running for soccer tripped over the string..HAHAH..stupid kids..haha..they were like..aahh..ahaha then i went into the middle of the field to get away from them..then i was trying to roll up the string and then i saw these shadows..and then..and then..a pack of soccer children came at me..kicking their soccer was so funny..i got hekka scared so i rolled up into the fetal position on the grass and rocked back and was HEKKA funny..hehehe..dude they were stampeding me..and we only lasted like..45 min in the park..gotta keep working on at least 2 hours..cause we used to spend days at the park..haha..we went to the kinder park and went the teeter totter and it was crazy hahaha..cause we all take turns pushing the thing..and its hard to stay on cause its made for like..little we're hella bouncing and crap..oh gosh it was so funny..and and..what else then when we first got there we went on the swings for a long time..and thats about the only thing we can still handle..hahaha..and we were on them and these 2 gurls came and were like..sitting there watching we gave them the swings after like 15 min..hahaha..but first when we first got there jaena saw her ex-boyfriend tam and his friends who 'hollah' at us when we go jogging..and they were like playing cards or something..haha..and it was great and we were like..must not look over there or else feel yeah..and we were all dressed for park playing..i was inna tank and shorts so was mary ann and jeane was wearing sweats and a we were in park gear..and we all looked like crap..cause yeah..we're playing in the damn park..but i do care what people think..because they're people..and i dont like it when people judge me by how i look so i care about what people think..cause i judge there..i care about what people think about me..i cant help just as yeah..and now im watching my wife and kids and george lopez..hella funny shows..i cant wait until ALIAS comes back on..but i'll be at college..who i do!! i love that show..its so


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