Wednesday, July 16, 2003

as i type these words saddness fills my heart..let me set up the sitting at the computer..listening to 'shes leaving home' by the beatles..and so many things in the world are going many things in my world are going wrong..two of my sister best friends were sent away to iraq..i know like everything..the war has stopped and whatever..but like you hear on the news everyday about more people dying and being killed and sister is away at military camp and she tries to call when she can but yeah..its sister was telling me about how she threw live grenades and got put into a gas chamber and she was there for like 30 seconds by it felt like 10 minutes..shes trainning to kill people..and in one year they could send her out there..and her friends went..and now what..i cant lose my sister..god..everyone is stupid why cant you fucking international idiots get along..children do it..but idiots cant..gosh..learn to fucking compromise..the world is a fucked up enough place because of the decisions of only a few..argh it makes me so mad..

oh what else..uumm..if im mad at you..dont set yourself up for me to say mean things to you..cause it hurts you..and its stupid..cause that was by far the STUPIDEST CONVERSATION IVE EVER HAD WITH ANOTHER HUMAN BEING..and ive had a lot of them..


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