Friday, July 18, 2003

dude okay hella fun filled day..uumm..well lets start with yesterday..uumm..NOTHING..okay so today..haha it started out with me bringing maryann to school and then when i got home i felt hella fat so i worked out..20 min of pilates..and then some of my own stretching and hella stretching cause its so hot and my muscles and tendons are loser in the heat..then after i felt hella skinnier..then i ate lasagna..and i was back where i started from..then i picked maryann up..then i had to pack stuff to send my sister in military mom got hella mad and yelled at us cause no one was washing the dishes (its maryanns day today) and so she was hella making me cry and like..'YOU DONT CARE WHETHER YOUR DAD AND I GET A DIVORCE..GO AHEAD AND FIGHT AND POINT FINGERS KEEP ARGUING..YOU'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS..WE DO SO MUCH FOR YOU AND YOU CANT DO ANYTHING YOU SPOLIED BRATS LAZY GOOD FOR NOTHING' and so i was hekka mad and i didnt want to cry but i wanted to yell..its like..i think youve played that card on me too many still hurts and i still wanna cry and hurt stuff and yell and scream..'YOU WONDER WHY THE FUCK IM SO MESSED UP EMOTIONALLY ITS BECAUSE YOU HELLA GUILT TRIP US AND YELL AT US HELLA RANDOMLY' whatever its her i hella was pissed off and i went to the post office to deliver the box and i dropped christina off at her job interview..then i went to go get gas..okay i pull in and park and so does this silver car with these 2 guys in it..we both walk up and pay and then we go fill up our cars..yenno when you can feel people stare at you? well they were hella staring..i guess i did just wake up..but i changed but whatever..and they were like 'hey there girl' and i just smiled..then they finished and while they were driving away they stopped and were like..hey there see you later girl' and i hekka smiled and waved and rolled my eyes cause they were stooges..hahaha..then i went home took a shower and went to pick christina up..then we went almost EVERYWHERE...and the game of thats your boyfriend began..where did we start..uumm..we went to tapioca express aka asian central..but we were there before the rush of people..and these people came in these 2 cars and were hekka matching in cars..hah it was sad..then we went to target to stake out the cute cashier guy who i hella jocked hella days ago..and what else..then we went to look at the DVDs and the toys..and i saw this doll that looked like it was 'retarded' OO then we saw this cute guy..but one of the rules of the game is they cant have a girl with them..and this guy did..he looked our age..maybe like 19..and i was like damnit..he has a girl..i cant say it..but he was cute..but his gurl was hella pregnant..hahaha..we were making fun of was funny..i guess..then christina went back to babies r us so she could get her job..cause she got the was cool!..hahah..then we left..then christina had to go to the we went to jolliebee damnit i cant spell it..oh well..and we didnt buy anything but when we were going inside it said pull..and the door didnt open..and these guys were hella looking at us and we were like..okay..and i was hella we used the other doors..then we went to the bathroom and we were hella laughing cause christina jammed her back into the paper towel holder hahah..she said it hurt..then we went to cabello to fly the kite and we did..but there was a soccer we went to play on the swings..we were facing different ways..i was facing the parking lot and she was facing the field..and the these guys were walking to their car and i was like..christina..its your boyfriends..and they were hella looking at me..i mean im 17 and i was on swings..and my hair was it was crazy..i was going hekka high too..and they're like hey!! and hella looking and i was ljust smiling and swinging and then at their car they were waving to i waved back..its only polite..and then we went to go put the kite back and they drove by us and stopped and honked and said hi again..hahaha..then we went on the teeter totter.. its in the kinder park..and christina was not wearing a sports bra..haha..cause you hella shake on it..and we stayed for like 20 min on it..then we went to lake elizabeth..and we chased a goose..but then it went to its family..and they thought we had food..and THEY started chasing us..hahah.. then we walked to the stream and we watched ducks and hekka ghetto guys all pimped out trying to cross a bridge of rocks..i prayed that they would slip..but alas..they we saw these ducks swimming and then these people were feeding them and they gave us bread to feed nice..then as we fed them we noticed all the people walking and jogging and biking across the bridge..and we decided next time we would bring a fishing line so people would trip..haha..and it would be hella funny..and we saw these girls hella dressed up for a picnic at lake elizabeth..hella in heels and dresses! and they were putting on makeup..LOSERS..whatever..and the girl in hella high plastic heels and a dress hekka tripped and i laughed..cause i heard her was hekka funny..then we got pizza..and went back to cabello to eat it..and we bumped the music cause we're cool and then we went to christina's and drank soda..then i went home..and fought with my sister over who gets the fan..haha and was a fun fun day!


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