Tuesday, June 17, 2003

oh bullshit..why dont you just take everything back and pretend it never happened..cause thats what im gonna do..forget it..forget what? EXACTLY..so blah de blah de blah..whatever..ruin my first days in my relationship..oh yeah and ruin ours..go ahead and lie and tell me whatever but i dont care anymore..so go and play games with the other girls you like cause im so finished..have your fun but leave me out of it.. because personally..this type of thing shouldnt happen..much less to me..what was i supposed to do? go crazy wondering if i was making a mistake..well you thought wrong if you thought i wasnt gonna tell my best friends who are girls..thats why people should have best friends of the opposite sex..unless they're gay..gosh..blah..so i dunno about you..but i sure know what im gonna be avoiding this summer..hahah.. yeah..so one of two things happened..either you lied to me..or now youre lying to yourself.."think i might" yeah..okay whatever..who cares..tiffany was right and you didnt know what you were talking about so lets just forget the whole ordeal..so yeah..feelin a bit angered about now..because stupid stuff made me all discombobulated..and now there was no reason to have stressed over it..*whew..thats a lot off of my mind..so i need to go swimming..but everyone left me..so..can't go and do that..you punks..oh well..we were supposed to go to the beach..but tiffany's not back yet..so blah..i need my beach fix!! hahaha..but yeah..have fun reading this..and the other one..and how much they contradict eachother..though its about one person..hows that gonna happen? i dunno..but it just did!!


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