Saturday, April 26, 2003

well yesterday was so interesting..not yeah what did we do..well krystle and nicole came over hecka early and we looked at pictures..and krystle couldnt stay long cause she had to go to a we were just laughing and kickin it at my house in the morning..then we got the idea to do the map thing..and we did..and hey my little sister got the cup outta the cup..hehe..and then smoeone called my cell..and it said KRY'S MAN..then i was like..who? oh..then i was talking to one of them..i dont know which one..and they were like is krystle with you..blah blah blah...then he said im gonna be you wanna go out? then i was thinking in my head..this is so not even antony..this is such a joke..blah blah..then i was like are you serious..then he was is anh..then i was pretty sure this isnt tiffany got the wrong girl there..hehehe..but yeah..then i was trying to change and be on the phone at the same time but everyone kept walking into my i was hecka walking around in my underwear cause they wouldnt leave me then we made the 'map' for phil..and we all eft my house..i followed..or wait..attempted to follow nicole through the rain..shes driving an driving a jeep..and i lost her..and i was i went to wal mart and left the car there for an oil change..then i went home and played with doria cause she came over..then we all went home..


uumm today was fun..we had a dance was great..liz took me to rehersal and we danced..and everyone was like how was everyone's rehersal..and i was like me pick me..and i told everyone about the beach and about stuff..mostly about how i like a boy and pretty sure everyone at dance was amazing!! and even my teacher was like aaww thats so cute..and whatever..and so we began to dance and stuff..the song is a beatles rock song..and its crazy!! knee slides and gonna do a round off in it if it kills me..hehe..maybe just randomly..but yeah its so tiring..and we're dancing with our hair im like..BLIND! cause my hair flies everywhere and stays then we leave after like 4 hours..then im supposed to go to a birthday party..but im really lazy and dont feel like i go to christina's house and we go to the library and target..and at target i see this guy who used to like me..and i was lke..UUGGHH...and i wanted to i did..then i called antony but he was sleeping..then he wasnt..but he had to go so i was like i dropped off christina and i went home..and i took a nap..then i heard my cell phone..and it was antony..and i was like hi..i just woke up from a nap blah blah..then i was boring him by telling him stories about the pretty sure that hes like..tight..shut up already..hehe cause its funny to me..but you have to be there kinda then he had to go..then i took a nap again..and then i hella got in trouble because i didnt return a movie..but itold maryann to..and i got yelled at..i was like fine..blame me for everything.. eerr..i was hella crying and driving hella fast when i went to drop it off..its always me getting in trouble..i can never do anything right..blah yeahi got home and i went on the computer..and here i am..very interesting, no?


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