Sunday, July 24, 2005

love is a lie

love is a lie that guys get young girls to believe so that they will sleep with them. love is not always blind because you rarely see a cute guy with an ugly girl, or vice versa. love is fiction and bullshit. no one is every really in love. its just hormones. its not in your heart or in your soul, its from you glands. love is nothing other than the right mix of hormones being released by your glands and your brain to make you feel things that people describe as love. its all fake. guys sleep with other girls and lie to them, tell them they love them, just to have sex with them. this can go on for months. and the stupid ass girl will believe the guy, but heis using her, because for guys, sexual satisfaction = happiness. all guys are liars. they break up with you, be mad, but a month later, talk nice to you and tell you that they love you, just to get you in bed again, even though they know that they wont get back together with you and that you aren't really anything to them. they say the "L" word to make the sex okay. but its not. they're using you. and they say you said love first so they think or figure its what you wanted. stupid asses. then the sex dwindles off to once a month instead of once a week, and its over. you are nothing to a guy. you arean object. a means to an end, which is usually ejaculation. and now youre stuck realizing that you were just used cause you have a vagina and guys like it. guys dont know what love is. they think its when you spend lots of time with someone and become sexually attracted to them, which for guys could be a total of 5 seconds or less. then you guys can plan having sex cause youre so hormone crazed that you think its love, but no, you just want sex, you dont want to share a beautiful thing with someone that you love. you want to fuck. nothing special about it. you're fools to think that this will last. just cause shes the firstperson ot love you or like you, you think its okay. well its not you sinners. you give it up to the first person that gives you attention. you dont even think shes pretty or beautiful nor do you like her fat ass of a figure, you just see one thing, a goal, or a hole if you will. guys also let girls suck their dicks. cause they are dicks. and girls are whores. everyone is stupid. everyone should be locked up by themselves in caves to die. everyone should die. especially girls who are not lesbians but like kissing their roommates and touching eachother until the point of orgasm all for the pleasure of greg, i mean some guy. then make out with the guy and suck his dick. because you used to be his boss. you slut. and then not really talk to him afterwards. aaww. how special. way to make it a hallmark/kodak moment you fucking horny teenagers. stupid sluts and whores.
you sacrifice everything for them, and they cant give you anything. they cant even give them the one thing you want. you dont even want it so much as you want to exchange it. because they lost it to their 16 year old girlfriend whom they didnt even love and well, they hate now. and even after they broke up they still fucked, for fun. but he said he loved her still, just to get a piece of her fat ass. he lied. he didnt know what he was doing. hahaha. he lied to her to get sex. he loved it that much. she was a wonderful fat piece of ass. and she believed they would be together in their love. whoops. nope. youre ass is being used, literally. stupid slut girl. what the fuck were you thinking. he knew you would never get together again. but he kissed you so so so good you believed him. he lies. dont worry slut girl, he will get his.
again, you sacrifice everything for him. try to make mistakes so his wont look so bad. he doesnt care. he's sleepy. fuck that. YOUVE GIVEN HIM EVERYTHING. he's screwed over another girl. he pretends to love you. but he doesnt. he only care about himself and his friends. he doesnt give you the time of day anymore because hes too busy for you. nothing else matters. as long he has his friends gets to see you once a week hes okay. but his friends are way important. he even cheated on you. when he was drunk. and told you on your 6 month anniversary. what a guy. but he was drunk. and you forgave him cause you thought you were in love. bullshit. he strikes again. why does he do this to you? cause he hates you. why doesnt he want to sacrifice for you? because he doesnt care. greg just doesnt care. boys will never change. you give him everything of you that you can give. you tell him youre his. but thats nothing, cause he has his friends in sacramento and he cant give them up, cause if he leaves, he wont be able to talk to them. but it doesnt matter that you want it and would be willing to give up your school for him. his friends are more to him than you are. he only says and lies that he wants to be with you forever, but right now, hes happy with making you cry 200 miles away, and driving to see you once a week. thats enough. to see the girl who give you everything and continues to give what little she has left. the girl who sacrificed tears and dignity and friends for you. you cant even do anyting for her. you're comfortable where you are, why fuck it up? she'll still be there, she loves me you think. but shouldnt you be saying that about your friends? shouldnt they always be there for you? shouldnt you try to make things work with the girl you supposedly want to spend the rest of your life with? no, make the bitch wait. she'll still be there. even thgouh you continually have problams about seeing eachother and communication, and she misses you, and its so hard. and she cries. nothing matters. you need friends now. she'll wait. youre so happy where you are right now. you dont need her everyday, but your friends, you need them everyday, but you dont even see them everyday. she sacrifices everything for you, you sacrifice nothing for her. you're tired tonight, you cant talk. well now she's tired. tired of being last. tired of crying and hurting and feeling pain. she deserves to be happy. you've killed her and you didnt even know it. you found this perfect untouched specimen. beautiful to you. lon hair, smart, looks good to the parents. you ruin her, her innocent life. you destroy her. you think you want to find someone to settle down with, youre finished messing around. found a good family girl to show the parents. shes even becoming a nurse. shes the "first wife" material. and all you can do is ignore her. neglect her. bitch at the bitch cause she makes too much of a fuss and cries ALL THE TIME. she really needs to stop that. she calls way too much too.

i was blind. i was caught up, i was young. those excuses have worked for you, now they'll be mine. i didn't know any better. i thought it was what we both wanted. how am i to even know what love is? i dont know anything. you were the first boy tolike me in a long time. i was in my akward phase for some time. and you gave me the time of day. i was stupid. and now, im hurt. and my tars mean nothing to you. 3 days off fighting are nothing to you cause im on my period. fuck you. EVERYTHING IS FOR YOU. NOTHING IS FOR ME. you never even have any time for me. no time to call, nothing. i always feel stupid when i hear your voicemail. theres never any time for teeny. fuck that. i deserve someone willing to give. to make time for me. to love me like i deserved to me loved. im so neglected here. by myself. just waiting for you. im so drained and weak. youve heard it all before, but its hard to keep saying it over and over, its even harder to keep meaning it over and over again. but you'll move on. to another girl. pretend you love her. break her heart. kill her spirit, her will to live. make her make mistakes. she'll never forgive herself. she'll never forgive you. i have no more heart. its broken. never ever again. it hurts. why would you make me cry greg? is it fun? i tried so hard to make you happy. you cant give up anything for me. youre too busy for me. like ive taken SO MUCH FROM YOU!! FUCK YOU GREG. ITS OVER. MY LIFE, OUR RELATIONSHIP, was all lies. because love is a lie.


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