Thursday, March 03, 2005


today was a day of complete and utter boredom. i had gotten to sleep at about..2 AM cause ashley was picking out clothes with me and amanda and jenna for home. cause she left tofay. then i woke up at about..11ish? and dropped off my uniforms at gigi's for cleaning cause we have to turn them in today. sad sad. and amanda and i discussed all the crap that went down this year during cheer and all the drama about branson. but yeah. then ashley left and i cleaned! crazy cleaned. i washed dishes, cleaned the sink and the mirrors, fixed all the bed, ashley's and mine, put her clothes away, straightened her desk and her clothes and her closet, fixed my desk, and i just have to vacuum tonight. i havent started my first class of the day yet (it starts at 330) so i took a nice long shower, dried my hair, tried on a couple of normal teeny outfits, and watched TV and ate chips. ive been eating so much lately. im so fat. i hate it. i think i gained like..5 lbs since last last week. im a heifer. then yeah thats it. later on tonight i have a cheer meeting to turn in my stuff. then tomorrow info and res then clionicals then home for a boring week. i hate my life. right now im just trying to get through the 2 days left. btw i so failed my midterm for tech. haha i forgot to flush with saline sad sad. oh well. it was easy and i dont mind taking it again. but its pass fail so i probably failed. but yeah it happens. at least i didnt like fail a class or something. that would be crazy! wow failing a class. how stupid would i have to be? i get by. im not a genius. way not. but i finally finished my applications for the internship for UCSF and im waiting for an email from them or something. so yeah. pray for me. i really want that internship. okay love me.


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