Wednesday, March 02, 2005

gorgerous day!

well last night was a bust. so today i decided to get off to a wonderful start.
i woke up in the morning to hopefully see a missed call or a text message, but of course none, and why should there be? im supposed to be on a break right? why should i expect to get anything. seriously? now im just gonna vent about everything. my relationship sucks at this point, i dont get to go to branson cause my parents suck, and not im suck with the bleak future of a boring spring break at home doing homework with no boyfriend and no one to talk to. hard work, love, and sacrifice DO NOT PAY OFF!!
btw it was a gorgeous day. i woke up and did that and i had cereal for breakfast with katie. usual ritual. it was nice. thien we went to calss and we discussed again. we always discuss. i love ethics! then we went back to our rooms and i proceeded to read this book i found in our lving room. the sisterhood of the pants. the second summer. i was so excited to find it and ashley let me read it. i was reading it until time to go back to class, pharmacology, and i love it. its so good. i cry and ai laugh, and i cry and the heartwrenching heartbreaking problems that take place. its a really good book. i really love reading. im really not a dork. i just like to be informed of other books, other than text books. well anyways in pharm we went over prototypes, and ashlee came over to cassie and i to complain about her group cause they dont do anything and cassie and i complained about ours. so we decided to become a group together! hahaha. then we finished all the exercises. i still have so much reading. but that can wait til next week. spring break. ridiculously early. then we went to english. hate that class too. and all i did was read the book. ahah i was so not paying attention in class. so yeah then i didnt know what was going on and she let us out of class early because we hadn't read the passages she had wanted us to. but then we got out of class half an hour early so i ran to my room and i finished the book. all 300+ pages of it. thats the problem with me. if i like i book, i won't put it down until im finished with it. i loved it. i i said before, cause poor poor lena. *sigh* love hurts, especially when it smacks you in the face like that and you're devastated by it. oh i'd kill that boy if that happened to me, then i'd kill myself. but thats me. but the best part about it is that theres a 3rd book out. IT CAME OUT LAST MONTH!!!! its kinda like harry potter to me, i read those books too, but these came out faster. i wonder when the next one is coming out. the next harry potter. i really cant wait. sooni hope. hopefully summer. =) so yeah the next book in the traveling pants collection is called: girls in pants, the 3rd summer of the sisterhood of the traveling pants. i lvoe it. i cant wait. i think im gonna buy it so i can read it over spring break. it'll be fun. oh im so excited. sad. but im excited. okay now thats my wonderful day is over i must do homework. im such a studious girl. =) LOVE IT!! P.S. saw some crazy lady taking pictures of birds and we were laughing at her and pretending we were birds. =) love me! P.P.S. kerr and holly made posters of amanda looking like debbie from that movie with the liger..hahahah and said that she takes glamor shots for a price and to contact her. LOVE IT!! haha and they posted them around school. hahaha. oh wonderful spring break, how you elude us.


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