Monday, February 21, 2005

3 day weekend!

okay this weekend wasnt that bad, kinda fun even. first of all, i passed my I.V. dosage calculations exam..only one wrong!! i really dont know if i told you that already, but i did. go me!!! love that!! so yeah. then i went to clinical a mess!! haha i control the weather, i am a fairy that controls the weather. then i went to the basketball games and we all got in trouble for being mean to the players and the refs, but hey, if you suck you suck, and im gonna tell you.. hahaha the games were good. we won both games by like..1 point. very nerve wrecking. haha. but it was okay, cause we won! and we're the champions. the senior night was a big success and i love MONICA!! then we all went to kamee's room for some fun fun fun!!!!!!! woot. then at about midnight greg and i knocked out cause it was such a long long long day with over 6 hours of cheering!!! hahaha. last games of the season. yeah. then the next day we went to some girl's cotillion and it was very crowded. but it was nice and cute. it was one of those girls who's perfect and everything. it made me sad that im not perfect. but hey. it happens. then after that greg drove me back to school and i drove home for the night. then today my family and i went out for fish and chips. it was good. my fam's fave restaurant. hahaha. then yeah i drove back to school and it was raining and there was lightning and it was raining very hard and scary. and we were all driving like 40 miles per hour. scary. the lightning was the scarriest!!!! then i wrote my intro and yeah. thats it. now me and ash and john are watching law and order!! WONDERFUL WONDERFUL WEEKEND. P.S. I LOVE GREG!! HE'S THE BEST.


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