Saturday, January 29, 2005

you know what song ive had stuck in my head for like 2 days? the first single from jessica simpson. i wanna love you forever. i like it. its such a good song. i wonder if anyone has that CD or single. cause i want it.
i should be reading, but i dont know if i want to. im so lazy and its been such a crappy couple of weeks. i love my roommate ashley cause she listens and gives me advice and is a wonderful person. and yeah i thank her. but yeah, last night was a major fun talking and discussing and crying night. it was good. cause i got a lot of stuff that i wanted to say out in the open.
btw. first day of clinical over!! loved it. me and cassie got to watch an iV be put in this lady. she was so nice about it. and my patient was totally cool and tolally healthy!! which was amazingly awesome.
im just very confused about everything. but i shouldnt be..i hate runing my life..*sigh* ash asked me if i needed to be single for awhile. and i didnt know what to say. i just never thought...


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