Friday, January 28, 2005

if you love me, don't tell me, the feeling will pass...if you still love me, fight the feeling, its not worth it...

sometimes in order for things to work out you just need to let everything go. im so glad i let go of people that were keeping me down and making me sad and making me cry. i remember when i used to go to mo and nicole every night and just tell them all the horrible and bad things and mean and neglectful things other people would do to me. i feel a whole lot better this semester in terms of new friends. ive been hanging out with new people and just trying to make my current loving and wonderful relationships better and much much stronger. because those people have supported me so much and ive really just been getting a lot closer to other people. its been great. im SO much more happier. what the fuck was i thinking the previous 3 semesters. i must have been so blind to think that i was happy. its not like i had ANY fun whatsoever. im so glad i let go of people..well not just one person, several. its so obvious to everyone the newfound happiness which i am experiencing.


bad bad bad week. but i found out one of my friends in the nursing program is PREGNANT!!!!!!! and another one of my friends, also in the nursing program, IS ENGAGED!! her ring is so gorgeous!! oh i am so jealous...


so yeah..i'll only be able to take one dance class a week with this new schedule. i changed out of my 12:30 class so i could be in katie's class and so i wouldnt have to be in class with regina. hey its the truth. but i totally screwed myself over cause now i miss my dance class..which is really pissing me off. i loved that class. *sigh* i guess daisy will be like..oh..there goes another student. im so sad! i love her classes!!! 2 days a week!! even if i left class right away i wouldnt be able to make it for anything cause my class gets out AT 6:30!!! BITCHTASTIC. gag me with a spoon or something, please. i end of sacrificing my favorite class at 6:30 just so i wont have to be with regina in a class and i can be with katie in that class. damnit. the decisions people make to have katie in a class and not just be completely irritated for 3 hours. and theres only like..6 people in my class now, but like we dont even get out early!!!!!!!!! ARGH!! i hate people without a passion for dance..anyone who doesnt can just die!! so frustrating..SO FRUSTRATING!!! nfre834n4 835th84t HATE MY LIFE.


so since i didnt waste my summer sitting on my flat..i mean fat ass..and i actually went to summer school..i am now on my way to obtaining a minor in psychology. without all the psych classes i have to take with nursing anyways..i only need 5 more units. so theres a social psych class and a psychology of death and dying class. WOW amazing what one summer of 6 units can get you. glad i wasnt lazing around on my ass and just going to the mall all day..haha that would have been sad! and even if i cant get the minor, i have a 5 unit leeway if i fail a class i can make it up and STILL not be behind the rest of my nursing classes!! wow. one summer of work will do wonders for your ego..=)


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