Thursday, January 13, 2005

the two words that have been running through my head since i got back home: JET LAG!! omg. ive been sleeping all day..staying up all night, and making my lovely gregory stay up with me cause i cant sleep. its torture. i can't go to sleep on time! it sucks a lot. i stay up all night and take a shower at 6 AM every morning. then sleep around 10ish til like..7 pm. hahaha thats the life.
speaking of life. upon my return i weighed myself, and to my surprise and astonishment i DID NOT GAIN WEIGHT! ggrr. i thought i did, but i didnt. haha the scale there said i gained 10 lbs, i was like..thats impossible..but i checked today and i am back at my normal 119lbs. which i will be happy with i swear. but yeah. here's a list of things i learned in the philippines:
-snorkeling is very difficult if you're taking your cousin who doesnt know how to
-even if you dont see fish, they are there...
-free diving is the most wonderful experience ever, if you havent done it you suck
-people who dont know how to swim are NOT worth my time here in CA
-sea urchins are very pointy, do not, i repeat DO NOT step on or pet them
-its hard to find gifts for people there
-tsunamis suck, especially when you're at the beach that day
-lizards can swim

now a list of things i did in the philippines:
-went free diving
-went swimming in the wide vast ocean off of a boat with no vest cause i can swim
-got a cold and sinusitis
-sneezed 473289 times a day
-discovered why i dont speak another language, nor do i understand any of the 3 i should
-slept a lot
-almost finished my simbang gabi (6 days!!! at 4:30 AM)
-went shopping
-got to talk to my lola about life, my family, and stories about everything
-bonded with my cousins
-had a great time
-miss all my friends at home
-missed greg! but thats okay cause i talked to him and texted him and called him and talked to him online =)
-went to 473289 churches where youre not allowed to wear tank tops
-donated lots of clothes, money, and food to an orphanage/missionary in bicol
-spent money
-saw the new 200 peso bill with my auntie gloria on it
-nothing else much..just ask!


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