Tuesday, October 12, 2004

wow..havent uh blogged in awhile. but ive been busy. very busy. hhmm let's see. i talked about the wedding already. and what else..hhmm..last week nothing really interresting happened. we had cheer, i had fun. oh by the way, i can run 2 miles in under 22 minutes..just thought youd like to know. okay..
clinical orientation. i drove to SF. st. mary's hospital is bigger than i thought. we HELLA got lost..i coulda swore i knew where i was going..but i didnt. but luckily i made..well..we in the car decided on a collaborative RANDOM left turn and we found ourselves on our way..then finally i spotted st ignatius!! i was like..woot..i know where we're going. yeah thats right. rose mccarthy did not know how to give directions. and when we asked her, she was like..oh well i havent been there in a long time and i just guessed..and i was like..HOW UNSAFE!! way to tell your students wrong directions in SF!! jeez. we coulda gotten ourselves killed!! or worse yet..LATE!! so that was fun touring stuff. it was so cold there...then i failed the health promotion test and practied for tech practical test. then i went to cheer practice and we did..i dont even remember...

microbiology lecture and stuff. patho quiz and lecture..blah blah..boring. nothing really to say..bored out of my MIND!! went to MJ I. was fun. the teacher was really nice..i love it i love it!

almost my friday!!! haha went to health assessment, practiced for the final.. me and regina ditched for awhile so i could..well..we could eat. then i took my nursing tech exam. i HELLA FAILED IT. whatever. i forgot to wash my hands..haha..then cheer where i was a backspotter and whatever else they needed a tall girl for..then sleep

went to microbiology lab..96.5% ON MY quiz!! WOOT WOOT WOOT. I LOVE INGA..hahah then we innoculated fun fun bacteria. then i wanted to go home..and i did..missed class AGAIN. oh well. i promised i wouldnt this week though...then i was feeling bad cause my eye was exploding..and i went home to momma...drove home..went to the mall..read a REALLY GOOD BOOK. now i want a copy of it. lovely bones. its a good book. buy it for me!!!

decided to go clubbing with greg, jess, roma, ian, and friends in sacramento with the SP club from sac state. how fun was that. HELLA FUN!! omg. first of all i couldnt figure out what to wear and everything..then i changed like 537289 times..hahah..in the CAR!! hahaha..it was so worth it. i lovd it. me and greg never get to dance so it was so much fun!! yay! and it wasnt a huge club and it was nice. and all these guys kept hitting on the other christine we went with..poor girl..we were trying to protect her..but some guys..theyre just very persistent. THEN THERE WAS THIS GUY THAT LOOKED LIKE GREG!! and i almost died of laughter. haha. yeah then i slept over greg's house and yeah.

slept in until noon. and talked to greg's sister jess. whom i love so much!! shes so much fun to talk to and we're so funny. and i like talking to her. it was refreshing to talk to someone new. and we talked about school..stupid stuff..our futures..how much i love her brother..etc..yay! then me and greg left..ate at wendy's and we drove to my school...then we ate? i dunno..haha..and watched tv? hahah? and took a nap? i hella dont remember what we did..haha

me and greg woke up early and got ready for the surprise that ive been planning for a week..we took a shower and got dressed and everything. and i drove..to SF..to go to church. haha it was multi symbolic..haha and everything. first of all it was a jesuit church..then it was a GORGEOUS ONE!!! i so wanna get married in that church..but anyways..then yeah..we walked to lone mountain campus and looked at the veiw. it was such a nice day. then we drove around SF a little bit downtown..=)

first day of clinicals..CRAZY!! but yeah..i did a lot of work. i felt stupid. but it was okay overall. i tried to quit cheer, but it didnt work. i guess its meant for me to be on the squad. cause i cant do it. but yeah. i think i'll just try really hard this sem and next sem. then we ran the 2 miles..and i got under 20 min! woot woot. i'm getting better at it. but yeah..then we got in trouble for not knowing a cheer. then we learned a new dance...

today!! took micro test..FAILED IT!!!! woot..it was so bad..then i ate breakfast with katie and we worked on soaps. then i took a tiny nap, but before that i talked to gregory the love of my life. then regina called and told me to go to lunch..and i was like..fine..bitch..then we played around with marc's mind..hahah..it included a banana, a pen, and funny funny comments..like..oh marc, what could have been. or..marc wishes..hahaha. then after lunch we went to patho and got lectured on. haha. then i changed..went to the soccer game where there was some major SHIT TALKING!! holy crap..i mean holy names..hahahah...good one. =) then yeah we lost..=( but we put up a good fight..and i made some good ass sarcastic comments..haha but iwas studying. and monica was looking at my assessment book and giggling..hahaha. but i didnt end up going to MJ I cause i didnt have gas. =( im sad. i was all dressed up for it too. oh well...i get to go this thursday... woot..

boat dance this friday. tear it up on the..boat deck?


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