Thursday, September 23, 2004

gosh frikking gosh. i should be asleep. but thats at the end of my day. lets start at the beginning:

-woke up this morning..took a shower
-went to health maintenance, touched was..okay..
-had breakfast
-went back to the room and waited the 5 min until my next class
-went to nursing tech and saw george's uh..manhood fall out, and katie pick them up, we had all sorts of funny quotes with this one:
"do you want these back george?"
"i think hes gonna sue.."
"his wife's gonna be hekka mad at you"
"no wonder hes not married.."
"yeah, thats gonna be a problem in the dating world.."
-then we went back to working on clinical lab stuff on CD rom
-took a nap
-got ready for cheer
-talked to greg
-drama in the cheerness. OMG. fucking..ggrr..
shoot me, really? just shoot me cause everytime i try i get left with these feelings of extreme hatred, and its just a fucking vicious cycle. really time you cry over him...i really dont wanna hear about it.. i honestly dont. cause i really dont like him. and i know saying it in my blog isnt the most mature way to, but whatever. and next time you guys fight,,say in the you fight every 6 months or something? get over it faster, cause you guys always talk like 2 days later and resolve it. and thats great, it really is. but what about all the people who wanted to kick his ass for you? and were willing to "take care of you" if he wasnt going to? everytime you fight with him i try to defend you and like..i get blamed for all the conversations that you were sitting right next to me laughing about. thanks for letting me take the fall. and then letting him drag my relationship through mud. thanks for that. and not even standing up to him about it? wow. thats hella nice. i like how you can stand up to any one of your friends, saying i dont wanna go out to eat, or i dont wanna go to the parking lottery for you, but you cant stand up to him about your friends. about me! i just let it go, but it really gets to me. but i cant do anything, cause youre problem isnt a problem anymore and whatever so all the anger that ive built up against him goes nowhere. all the 'advice' we give you, you say yeah, but you dont use it. its like..dont bother..really...we're just wasting our breath. and like. i completely understand how you are, no one understands how you are more than i would. but i would not allow greg to talk smack about any of my friends relationships like he was better than theirs. and another thing, after like 2 seconds..everythings okay..and hes back to hunnie bunny, when like..half an hour ago you were gonna kick his ass yourself. i just really feel like i get kicked around a lot when i try to help you. and just leave me out of it. like honestly, i dont want to ever talk about your relationship with him, your problems with him, or anything about you and him. cause now..the two of you bother me. you dont bother me individually, but you and him together do, and him alone really bothers me. and im really sorry to say but you know ive felt like this for a long long long long long time. and i know i must sound like a bitch, and i really dont care. cause why should you get to resolve all of your anger, but i dont. so we're gonna prevent me from kicking you ass and his one day by just not talking to me about anything remotely relates to him. for estate..cubans..etc. its just way easier this way. and if im being a bad friend then..then i dunno, cause i think ive dealth with enough problems with you and him, as well as you have dealt with problems about me and greg. i feel really used. and i hate it. so help me not hate you..and just dont talk to me about him. you can talk to your other friends, im sure they understand and care. anything else in the world you want to talk to me about thats fine. but not him. he makes me really mad. and i hate him. im entitled to my opinion, and hes entitled to his about me, which im sure is less than positive. but i really have given up feeling sorry for you in your relationship every 6 months when you fight. everytime i do care..something bad creates a snowball effect, its the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. we had the drama around wilson..and we had the whole felianne thing..and ive decided you and your relationship and you problems bring me and others..but especially me..unneccessary drama. and i dont wanna deal with it..


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