Thursday, August 19, 2004 what happened? i woke up at 10 AM. by my meddling mother asking me to take my little sister to school to change her schedule. so i wake my ass outta bed, but it turns out that she has to be there by 11, and my mom is just being hella stupid about it. so then i take maryann to school, and i wanna return my clinical shoes, but i cant find the recepit, cause i have all the crappy luck in the world. so im pissed for like the rest of the day. then im blogging, and like my mother gets mad because i dont wanna take maryann somewhere because she's supposed to, but she cant make up her mind. like smully was supposed to do comunity service hours at hayward shoreline, but she needed someone to watch her. and she asked my mom. and my mother said yes. then maryann was like, no..then yes..then no. then my mom was like i have to cook lunch, you take her. and naturally i said no. then my mom got all mad saying i could either cook or take her. so i was like..damnit. so i stayed and smully didnt end up going. then i went to my room to read and i took a nap instead. then jaena needed me to pick her up to drop something off. so i was going, but my mom said i was wasting gas. and she was like let them do it. then i was like something about ryan's ccd. (oh heres the problem about the CCD. my mom wants to pout their brother ryan through CCD to get his first communion. but he doesnt want to. and i told my mom and shes like its not his choice, children shouldnt be able to choose about their religion and education, and i was hella mad. so whatever. i personally think she shouldnt force it. but then she was like if he doesnt hes not allowed in the house anymore. that pissed me off so much..eerr..its like..well..maybe you should stop fucking caring about other kids when your own are fucking screwed up. but whatever, mind other peoples business, think that youre family is okay..what-the-fuck-ever.. but yeah..eerr..maybe she would see whats wrong with her family if she didnt focus on OTHER PEOPLE'S DAMILIES THAT SHE HAS NO BUSINESS WITH. then on top of that she calls his grandma, my aunt, and is like remember to sign the papers and i'll pay. and then she goes on to say children shouldnt decide and that they should blah blah blah and yeah..okay first of all, youre making it seem like theyre poor, which is so mean to begin with, then youre hella speaking so condescendingly towards my aunt whom at time i like so much better than you..and lastly youre making it seem like his mom cant make decisions about her kids, or that she cres about them. whatever. then she goes on to say that kids with no religion are bad, and all that other bullshit. eerr) so then cause jaena doesnt have the paper for CCD my mother wont let me drop them off to turn in a paper for their bus passes. but i was like..youre in charge of all their other educational decisions, and youre helping them with other education, should i help them too? since we're fucking taking over their lives??????? whatever though..fucking bullshit. and then i was pissed off the rest of the day, but i did start out in a bad mood. then i ate a little and watched TV. then my little sister was being a little bitch and talking back to me and hitting me..god..i hate her..but my mother doesnt know that shes such a busy body..then i put the rest of stuff in my car so i could leave already. im gonna leave hella early tomorrow..thank god. but my day was all bad...thinking about it makes me cry...


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