Friday, August 15, 2003

okay well this morning i had dance camp..then i took fran and cassandrs home..but i got lost..and almost went on the dumbarton bridge..hahacause i missed the newark blvd exit..hahaha..then i went back to dance and decided to leave at 3PM from dance..and god fucking fucking little sister cant find the shirt that i borrowed from kristin a bagajillion years ago..and shit..well fucking a..and im getting hella shit about from kristin cause of it..well about you give me the last quarter of junior year back then you bitch..shoot..its a made me almost lose everything i had..actually..for the last semester of school junior year you did take everything i had i dont even wanna hear anything about your damn shirt..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICOLE!! what a party..okay..lets start from the beginning..uumm..i didnt think i could go..then i tiff and them picked me up..dude and i hella shaved my legs..i know it sounds hella gross..but now they're hella smooth and crap and no noe i cared about to have shaved my legs was there..damnit..hahahaha..its great..but WASTED..hehe when we got there we didnt know where to go so then we just went to the room and got the key from nicole and went swimming in the clorine filled..only chlorine filled pool (it had a film of it at the top and it was all murky) and we swam for like..45 was a tiny indoor pool with an opening and closing roof top..and i was pretending that i was hekka deep and i was scared to jump in so i closed my eyes and pinched my nose like i thought it was gonna be hella deep and i jumped in off of the ladder and left my head above water..hahaha..then i jumped out and jumped again from the 4 feet haha and it was funny..oh yeah..and at the says you have to have to have a shirt and shoes on before you walk through the i put on my jacket over my bathing suit and my slippers on and i was walking..and i said..i got my shoes and shirt on..haha..what if i didnt have underwear..and we were hella laughing cause i was walking like i had just ridden a horse..HAHAH..then i couldnt find my shirt when we were changin..and i was like..crap..then tiffany was like..oh here it is...i thought it was mine..hahaha..then tiffany took a towel..she was gonna put it in the bathroom..but a worker was there so she put it in her back pack..HAHAHA..after that i did krystle fortune with guess who..haha..and then it turned out hella bad..then i was time i did this to maryann and the king wasnt even in the remaining cards..hahah..then i tried it again and krystle concentrated on it..and it turned out better..then like we played krystle is the master at BS..hahah..okay..first she like purposely says 'i have 4 tens' when its her turn..but she giggles..puts them down..and picks the deck up again..cause she was hella BSing..but no one called..she called it on herself..and she was hella giggling and thinking she was clever..but no krys you werent..haha..then i said..krystle..i have no tens..and neither does tiffany..hahaha..then krystle was like huh? then we all laughed..then like i went and put like a 5 down when it was supposed to be like a 9 or something..then right away krystle puts down a card and says 'one 10' and tiffany says BS at the same time..and krystle and i go and reach for the pile..but krystle gets to it first..haha..and so i push it towards her cause she didnt know tiffany was talking to me but we reached for it and krys got it first.. so i gave it to her..and tiffany was krys..i meant for teeny!! hahaha..but she took it anyways cause she a retard like that..hahaha..but yeah..then like..we hella broke down laughing hella was crazy..then like we were talking about trick decks and cheating and stuff and like how hard it would be to play if we had 2 decks..and like what if tiffany was cheating and said like..6 queens..and i called it and turned over 6 queens..hahah we were gonna try it on nicole..HAHAHAHA..then like we read the newspapers and stuff then we gave back the keys and went home..and we were making fun of my other and her funnieness..ahaha..i was imitating her..and like what she was saying about nursing and crap..but yeah..then like..we started making fun of everything about our parents..and krystle is hekka easy to make fun of..and yeah..while krys was giving directions to tiffs mom she was like..yeah right here..but she meant yes here..but it sounded like go right..but there was only a left..sop i was like..RIGHT? KRYSTLE? hahah and she was i mean like over here..and im like..yes..right left krys was at home and she was like..gabe i need to get my clothes from under the chair..and my slippers..and i was like..yeah and my underwear and my bra..hahaha..and we were hella laughing cause its hekka easy to make fun of krystle..and she'll laugh about herself too..hahah..hella funny..hahaha..and hella traffick on the bridge..haha..


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