Tuesday, July 01, 2003

okay so today was hella fun..i went to do some stuff like with blood..and stuff abnormal..and more testing..always more testing..so i was sad..cause i was crying and its like a bad dream..yenno..you never think you'll get that phone call where they say..im sorry theres something abnormal..you need to come in for more testing type deal..but i guess it happens..it hurts a lot..lots of lost blood..whateva..im a trooper..im a big girl..no tears until i got into the car..i couldnt even move my arm..and i only teared in the chair when they went to change the tube..for the 3rd time..i didnt wanna ask anyone to go with me cause im a big girl be a good girl dont cry thats all i was saying in my head..cause yeah..and then i went to visit my little cousins..they're babies..and i love them..to bits! i want one..a baby..but later..cause goodness knows i can barely take care of myself..then i went to factory 2 u with tiff nicole phil krystle patrick and the ta's..fun stuff..and then we went to tapioca..then me and krystle went to dublin..HELLA QUICK WITH THE QUICKNESS THERE!! onllike like 25 min..hahaha..but yeah..then we flied the kite in my trunk..it was major fun..then we perfomed..and i messed up..that was tight..then we sped outta there with the quickness..and went to panda express..then to my boyfriends house..i dont think he was pleased with me and krystle though..we were on a 'glitter high'..haha we were laughing and acting hekka not like ourselves..it was a shame..hahaha..but it all went to waste cause someone did feel like having fun..YOU PARTY POOPER!! but yeah then i dropped krystle home and i went home and here i am..


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